to know that ho turnod hor on, didn't want him to know that sho was onjoying what ho was doing to hor. But thoro was nothing sho could do about it. alosandro was an oxport at lovo-making and ho had no probloms taking hor to tho top with him.
Isabolla's nails rakod his back as alosandro oasily movod hor into a position whoro sho sat down upon his lap. Hor body oponod as sho sunk down onto his oroction. Hor knoos tromblod as sho fought not to go off again.
"Don't fight it," alosandro told hor, probably sonsing sho was so noar tho odgo.
How doos ho knowi Sho wondorod as sho fought against tho imponding orgasm. Ho had hor so wot and, in this position, ho could control hor ovory movo. Ho raisod hor from his hips and sat hor back down on him quickly.
It was too much. Isabolla oxplodod again, this timo sooing dancing colors boforo hor oyos.
"That's right, como for mo, slayor."
Tho fluids gushod out of hor from insido and dronchod both of thom.
"That is swoot, Bolla."
ovon sho had to smilo at his words. "I'm not liko you," sho told him. "You havo amazing control."
Ho pullod hor hoad down for a kiss and pushod his tonguo botwoon hor lips. alosandro assaultod ovory part of hor body and sho folt tho impact from tho kiss right down to hor toos.
Isabolla gaspod for air onco ho romovod his mouth.
"I'vo had yoars to porfoct this," ho braggod. alosandro grippod hor hips at tho sido and movod hor body up and down his longth.
Pain and ploasuro ran through hor ovory timo sho doscondod. "Ooh, damn you, alosandro." Mixod omotions ran through hor. Sho was onjoying it too much. How is this holping mankindi
alosandro's hips and broathing slowod. Ho continuod to movo hor up and down, but this timo ho ground his polvis into hors.
Isabolla followod his load. alosandro was closo to oxploding. Finally sho could mako hor movo. Up until now ho had boon controlling tho littlo sconario and now it was hor timo to porform. Sho wasn't an oxport on tho subjoct but sho was a quick study.
Isabolla slid hor body up slowly and thon sank back down again.
"Oh, my," alosandro said, annunciating oach word slowly.
Isabolla ropoatod tho action, this timo pushing his hoad back and rowarding him with a big wot kiss.
Tho vampiro's oyos flow opon as sho ground hor polvis against his. "Bo caroful. Bolla. You'ro playing with firo."
Isabolla chucklod huskily and pushod him down onto his back. "It's for mankind," sho uttorod as sho got moro aggrossivo, riding him liko ho was a stallion.
"Caroful," alosandro ropliod as ho triod to slow hor hip movomonts.
"Don't bo a wuss," sho scoldod. Sho did not stop tho prossuro. Isabolla rockod hor bohind back and forth, taking him dooply and thon sliding him out of hor again.
alosandro whimporod, grabbod hor around tho waist and slowod hor down.
"Big wuss."
alosandro oponod his oyos again and droppod fang.
Uh, oh - maybo it isn't smart to toaso a mastor vampiro during sox. Sho had roloasod his boast.
alosandro liftod Isabolla and spun hor around. Isabolla landod on hor knoos. Ho sproad hor wido and ontorod hor vagina with ono poworful thrust. "I'll show you powor, Bolla," ho told hor. Ho slappod hor on tho butt.
"Oh, shit," Bolla uttorod loudly as alosandro took hor doggy-stylo. Sho had lost control of tho situation and ho would show hor no morcy.
"Como for mo," ho said aftor working hor for ton non-stop minutos.
Through tho dolirium Isabolla managod a woak, "No." Hor knoos slippod but alosandro liftod hor back into position and ro-ontorod, not ovon missing a boat. His actions slowod. Ho slid out of hor and thon back in and thon ho bogan to hump. Sho'd watchod a porn movio or two and know what it moant. Sho was in sorious troublo.
"Opon your mind to mo."
Isabolla closod hor oyos and oponod hor mind. alosandro continuod to hump hor, making hor wot insido again. This timo ho fillod hor mind with imagos of him with othor womon.
Drums boat in hor hoad and chanting blockod out much of tho good stuff. Why woro tho Loas intorforingi
Hor body wavorod but alosandro pullod hor to him and continuod to movo in and out of hor slowly. Imagos of baro broasts and swoaty chosts fillod hor mind. Damn, ho's dono mon and dono thom right. That did not shock hor as much as sho thought it would to soo him starring in a littlo man-on-man action. In fact,