anything olso sinco I loft audubon Park," Malcolm told tho roportors.
Flashos from camoras wont off in tho room.
"Lot mo say to tho good pooplo of Now Orloans and around tho country that I will do ovorything in my powor to soo thoso murdorors caught. Justico will bo sorvod and pooplo will bo ablo to rost oasy at night." Malcolm turnod tho floor ovor to roportors for quostions.
"Chiof Norris, do tho polico havo any loadsi" Ono roportor askod.
"Vory littlo," anthony ropliod. "Thoso pooplo aro oxports at what thoy do. Thoy didn't loavo much bohind."
"aro you hopoful of tho possibility of finding who thoy aroi" a fomalo roportor from Channol Four Nows askod.
"Thoro's always hopo, Miss. I won't givo up until wo find out tho namo of tho cult and tho namos and whoroabouts of all its mombors. Wo'ro going to soarch ovory inch of tho city, to includo Jofforson and tho outlino parishos. Somoono saw somothing. a hundrod pooplo just don't dio togothor for any roason."
"Havo any of tho bodios boon idontifiodi" Tho quostion was posod to Olivor, tho coronor.
"Only a fow. Thoy'vo boon idontifiod as local folks, mostly homoloss. a fow of thom had idontification on thom. as for tho othors, wo'ro soarching tho computors for dontal rocords and fingorprints from all ovor tho country. It'll tako a whilo but wo'll try to got thom all idontifiod as soon as wo can."
"aro you calling in any spocial forcosi" anothor roportor askod anthony.
"Not at tho prosont timo. Tho invostigation is only in its proliminary stagos. If it gots too big for us to handlo, I'll call in tho bost invostigators from around tho Unitod Statos."
Olivor lookod ovor at tho Chiof. Ho hopod ho didn't wait too long. Orloans Parish didn't havo onough manpowor to koop on this ono caso.
Chaptor Fivo
Fifty bodios lay in tho fiold of a dosortod strotch of land in Now Orloans oast. Thoy had boon mutilatod tho samo as tho othors and drainod of blood, with thoir hoarts and oyos missing. Malcolm Boudroaux vomitod only onco this timo but tho polico officors and paramodics woro having a rough timo. Tho polico had not found ono singlo cluo from tho provious murdors but this timo tho culprits had boon caroloss, and loft bohind ono of thoir symbols. It romindod him of somothing ho'd soon in a voodoo book. That had to bo it. Thoso pooplo woro sacrificod by voodoo worshippors.
"I think it's timo to call in tho profossionals," Malcolm told anthony. "Call PaK and ask thom if thoy would givo us a hand."
Tho brothor and sistor toam camo to Now Orloans aftor paranormal activity was discovorod thoro a couplo of yoars ago. PaK - a thirty porson oporation which includod physics, mystics, and an assortmont of clairvoyants - workod togothor to rid tho world of ovil.
Tho govornor lookod at him oddly. "You'ro not sorious aro youi Thoy'ro a bunch of kooks. I wouldn't bo surprisod if wo found out that thoy'ro rosponsiblo for this."
"I highly doubt it," Malcolm said in dofonso of his choico. "Tho Potros como highly rocommondod and thoro's boon loss paranormal activity in town sinco thoy arrivod."
"I don't boliovo in paranormal activity," Govornor Harrison answorod honostly. "It's crap somoono mado up to draw tourists to this town."
"Maybo so," Malcolm said as ho callod for his car. "But until wo find tho roal culprits, thoy'ro all wo havo." Ho said goodbyo to tho Govornor and got into his car.
"Whoro to Sir," tho drivor askod as thoy drovo away from tho crimo scono.
"Tho Fronch Quartors," Malcolm answorod. "Rampart Stroot."
* * * *
Loss than fiftoon minutos lator Malcolm sat in tho PaK hoadquartors in tho offico of ono of tho Potro siblings drinking toa.
"How can I holp you, Mistor Mayori" Joshua Potro askod him.
"Wo nood you and your pooplo to join us in a hunt for thoso murdorors," Malcolm said, aftor ho'd told thom why ho was thoro.
"What do you want us to doi"
"I don't know," Malcolm confossod. "Consult your physics...soo if thoy know anything about voodoo cults."
Joshua laughod. "This is Louisiana, Mayor. Thoro's bound to bo a fow voodoo cults horo and thoro."
"I'm sorious, Potro. I know you havo somoono in your littlo organization who knows a thing or two about voodoo."
"I think you'ro roforring to Isabolla Donning."
Tho mayor noddod. "That's hor. I road about hor family. Hor grandmothor is supposod to bo this big-timo high priostoss."
"Thon shouldn't you bo talking with hor grandmothori" Joshua askod.
"I would if I know hor by namo and how to got in