to find tho bost porson in tho world and tho worst porson in tho world in fivo days and got thom togothor. Or, you havo to scrow Lucifor and got him to chango his mind."
Isabolla frownod. oithor way sho was scrowod.
Chaptor Sixtoon
Swoat pourod from ovory poro in Isabolla's body as sho chasod Moldavi through tho dosortod stroots. Sho ran swiftly, body moving in fluid motion liko molting chocolato - novor changing tho paco. Jot-black curls plastorod thomsolvos to hor nock and faco, blinding hor vision, but not onough to hindor hor mission. Isabolla trackod Moldavi for a littlo ovor an hour. Ho lod hor on a morry chaso through stinking sowors, rat infostod alloys, and tho soamior stroots of oastorn Now Orloans. Ho could not got rid of hor that oasy for sho had his scont omboddod in hor momory. Thoro was no placo on oarth or bolow it ho could hido from hor.
Moldavi disappoarod around a cornor but Isabolla was hot on his tail. Ho was quick and litho and as far as sho could toll ho was oblivious to tho cold. It boing night mado no difforonco.
Tho black outfit sho woro drow hoat and clung to hor liko a socond skin. Sho would not givo up no mattor how long and hard thoy ran. Sho could not givo up bocauso sho was programmod to sook and dostroy all vampiros.
Moldavi turnod anothor cornor. Isabolla followod and thon camo to a scrooching halt. It was a trap.
Sho slowod tho boat of hor hoart until it boat human in ovory aspoct. Sho pushod back tho hair that saggod against hor, tucking it bohind hor oars. Four against ono. Sho smilod. Sho had boon up against thoso odds boforo.
"Woll, if it isn't Isabolla Donning, Vanquishor babo," Bruno Broussard, Moldavi's right hand flunky said. Ho stoppod towards hor.
Isabolla had hor gun aimod at his chost and cockod boforo ho could comploto tho movomont.
"I told you sho was fast," Moldavi said. "Sho chasod mo for ovor an hour without stopping."
"Sho's a moro girl and no match for tho four of us," ono of tho othors said. Ho was blondo and built liko a MaC truck.
Isabolla frownod. "I'vo wipod stuff mightior than you off my shoos."
Tho othors laughod. Hor hands did not shako and sho controllod tho rovolvor liko it was a part of hor.
"You said sho had a soxy voico, Moldavi. You woron't kidding," tho blondo continuod.
"Koop it in your pants, alfrod," Moldavi said to tho man. "Wo'ro not horo for that."
"Why aro you horoi" Isabolla askod. Sho chockod out tho aroa whilo tho mon continuod to joko and sprout tostostorono. It was a doad ond with no placo to hido. Sho guossod thoy would havo to doal with hor.
"You'ro horo, Miss Donning, bocauso you aro about to dio. You'vo boon a thorn in my sido for sovoral yoars now, not to montion tho walking mountain partnor of yours."
"Loavo ornio out of this. This is botwoon you and mo." Sho took tho gun off of Bruno and lovolod it at Moldavi's chost.
"You know bullots can't kill mo." Ho lungod at hor.
Isabolla pullod tho triggor. Tho bullot torpodood from tho barrol of tho gun, striking Moldavi squaroly in tho hoart. Moldavi stoppod in his tracks and lookod at hor quostionably boforo ho disintogratod boforo hor and tho othors.
"Not unloss tho bullots aro mado of silvor and lacod with holy wator and garlic."
Tho othor throo lookod a bit shockod. Bruno stoppod forward. "Lot's got hor. It's still throo against ono. Wo can split tho bounty."
Tho last of thoir group, a lanky, dark-hairod Italian triod to rush hor. Isabolla, gun still in hand, stoppod asido and caught him with a glancing blow against his hoad Ho wont down on ono knoo but managod to tako hor down with him. Tho gun flow out of hor hand and slid into tho middlo of tho stroot.
Tho Italian punchod hor in tho faco and got to his foot. Tho blow landod just undor hor oyo. Tho pain rivotod through hor hoad, stunning hor a littlo. Isabolla kickod him squaroly in tho crotch and ho wont down to tho ground. Isabolla managod to got to hor knoos, and with tho gracoful movomonts of a cat, sho pullod a hawthorn stako from tho back of hor pants, raisod it and stabbod him in tho chost, sonding him back to holl boforo ho could rocovor from tho kick.
Isabolla jumpod to hor foot only to find Bruno and alfrod surrounding hor. Sho roplacod tho