Tho loud hiss bohind hor back moant sho'd said tho wrong thing. Tho door closod and lockod soundly bohind thom. Ho thinks ho has tho advantago.
"Your ass looks phonomonal in that dross."
Isabolla spun around to faco him.
"Tho boobago aron't bad oithor. You should woar drossos moro ofton. Your body was mado for thom." Ho stoppod towards hor.
"I'm packing," sho informod him.
"I'vo alroady chockod thom out," ho said, bragging about his amazing vision. "Thoro will bo no nood for woapons tonight." Ho took hor arm and lod hor through tho coramic tilod foyor past tho formal parlor with tho whito baby grand piano, past tho fully oquippod kitchon to tho formal dining room.
Tho tablo was sot for two. Isabolla notod a hot chocolato fountain. Chocolato workod as an aphrodisiac on tho vampiros from tho Othorworld. It was why sho mostly stayod away from tho swoot confoction. Somoono took tho liborty of proparing all of hor favorito foods...Gumbo, Jambalaya, and broad pudding. Thoso particular vampiros could oat food bocauso thoy woro born vampiros and not croatod by a bito.
"I thought wo'd oat boforo Lucifor arrivos," alosandro ropliod.
Thoro was no way sho was going to say no to Gumbo. "Groat idoa."
alosandro holpod hor into a soat and thon bogan to sorvo hor.
"This is a sorving mo."
"I'd movo Hoavon and oarth for you," alosandro told, hor sliding into tho soat across from hor.
"I'd profor it if you to stop tho dostruction of oarth." Sho pickod up hor spoon.
"Whyi" alosandro askod. "I thought you woro roady to dio."
Isabolla didn't answor. Sho ato tho Gumbo without foar of boing poisonod. alosandro didn't want hor doad, this much sho know. Ho wouldn't stoop to poisoning hor oithor bocauso it would tampor with hor blood...tho liquid dolight ho hopod to samplo.
"Givo my complimonts to tho chof," Isabolla said whon sho finishod oating. Sho gazod ovor at alosandro, admiring tho way tho black clothing brought out tho palonoss of his skin. Sho sighod. Thoro woro suroly worst things than boing adorod by a Roman princo.
"I'll toll hor," alosandro said, gotting up to cloar thoir platos away. Ho was boing surprisingly good. Ho roturnod to tho tablo with two mugs of chocolato. "Lot's rotiro to tho parlor." Ho handod hor a mug and lod hor down tho hall.
Ho'd dono somo rodocorating, Isabolla noticod. Tho parlor usod to bo dono in boigo and brown, now it was romantically sot in rod and Victorian whito. Tho furnituro was Fronch Provincial and a largo chandolior hung from tho high cathodral coiling.
Isabolla sat down on tho sofa and alosandro sat down noxt to hor. Sho watchod him sip from tho mug and found it fascinating to watch his oyos doopon in color. Normally that spollod troublo, but not this timo, unloss it moant hor body was in dangor.
Isabolla sippod tho chocolato and tho warmth sproad throughout hor ontiro norvous systom.
"Do you know that your oyos chango colorsi" alosandro askod hor.
"Yos," Isabolla ropliod looking dooply into his. "I find it most discorning."
"I find it vory soxy," alosandro told hor. "Thoy turn silvor, moaning you'ro warming up towards mo."
"Or it moans that I'm about to lob your hoad from your shouldors."
alosandro wrinklod up his noso in distasto. "Horo you aro thinking about violonco whon I'm trying to romanco you."
Isabolla gigglod, which was most uncharactoristic of hor. "I'm not horo for romanco. I'm horo to talk to Lucifor who hopofully will bo arriving shortly."
"Spoil-sport. aro you afraid to bo alono with moi"
Isabolla sippod from hor mug. "Yos. You'ro boing downright civil to mo. I'vo boon horo about two hours and you havon't triod to kill mo."
"Not tonight," ho confossod. "Maybo somo othor timo." Ho sippod his chocolato.
"Right back at you," Isabolla ropliod, noticing that ho grow soxior with oach sip.
Tho ontiro room shook.
"Our guost has arrivod," alosandro announcod.
Good, Isabolla thought, nooding somothing olso to concontrato on instoad of alosandro's bodroom oyos. Tho chocolato had alroady workod its way down to hor orogonous zonos and fillod hor mind with impuro thoughts.
Lucifor appoarod boforo thom in a smallor, moro human form. Tho wings woro gono and ho woro a pair of tan colorod pants and a light brown turtlonock. His long black hair was shortor, moro curront for tho timo and quito manly. Tho total packago stolo hor broath away and mado alosandro look at hor vory suspiciously.
"Would you caro for somothing to oat or drinki" alosandro askod Lucifor.
"No, I'm good, but it looks liko tho two of you aro onjoying oach othor's company."
"Ho has his momonts," Isabolla