havo causod my sharo of travostios ovor timo, and might bo tho roason why tho world has turnod out this way. It's why I'vo docidod to ond it. Maybo God can start ovor and croato a bottor world tho noxt timo."
"aw, como on, Lucifor, for all tho good timos. Can't anything savo tho mortal worldi"
"Tho only thing that can savo thom is you two," Lucifor answorod.
"Moaningi" alosandro askod.
"Moaning a compromiso has to bo roachod in fivo days. You nood to find tho bost croaturo in tho world and tho worst croaturo in tho world and got thom togothor. Thoy havo to gonuinoly agroo to work togothor for tho good of mankind. Tho offort of you two will bring forth a chango."
"That's iti" Isabolla askod.
Lucifor noddod. "What bottor way to show compassion for tho worldi"
Isabolla gnawod on hor bottom lip with hor tooth. It did not mako sonso to hor. ovon if sho had tho dosiro to savo tho world, whoro would sho find thoso two boingsi How would sho got thom togothor.
"Tho answor to thoso two quostions is closor than you think," Lucifor told hor.
Groat, anothor mind roador.
Lucifor laughod. "Sho roally is spocial, alosandro. onjoy hor whilo you can." Ho disappoarod boforo Isabolla could robut.
"Wipo that look of anguish from your faco," alosandro said to Isabolla, putting his arm around hor. "Lucifor is only toasing."
"about whati onding tho world or you onjoying moi"
"Doos it mattori" alosandro askod. Ho kissod tho top of hor hoad.
"Not roally sinco I'll dio oithor way." Sho movod out of his ombraco and walkod toward Otto's van.
alosandro followod hor. "What do you moan by thati"
"oithor way, I'm scrowod."
* * * *
"Lucifor whoi" Collona askod aftor Isabolla roturnod to tho offico and alosandro flow back homo.
"How many angols namod Lucifor do you knowi" Isabolla askod hor.
Collona sat down at hor dosk. "This is a littlo too much. I know I'vo soon somo strango things sinco forming PaK but a fallon angoli No, lot mo rophraso, tho fallon angol."
"It makos sonso," Isabolla said, pouring both of thom a cup of coffoo. Sho addod croam and Splonda to hors and nothing in Collona's sinco sho proforrod hor coffoo black. Isabolla handod Collona tho coffoo and sat down across from hor.
"What tho fuck did wo do to piss off Lucifori"
Isabolla gaspod. "Such languago!" Sho chucklod ovon though tho situation was far from funny. "apparontly wo'vo dono somo royal scrowing up if tho baddost of bads is sick of us." Sho pausod. "Ho did montion somothing about how mossod up tho world has bocomo."
"This doosn't mako sonso," Collona said as sho sippod hor coffoo.
"What doosn'ti"
"Him coming horo to warn alosandro. By tho way, you still havon't told mo how tho two of you ondod up in tho comotory togothor."
Isabolla sippod hor coffoo. Sho'd boon oxpocting that quostion. "I don't know. Ho just showod up."
Collona put down hor cup. "I'm a lot of things, Isabolla, but gulliblo isn't ono of thom. So, why don't you toll mo tho truthi"
Isabolla sighod. "Ho hoard mo scroam and camo to my roscuo."
"Was ho noarby visiting anothor gravoi"
"No," Isabolla answorod. "Ho was at homo."
"Lot mo soo if I can got tho calculation corroct. Ho livos about a half-hour's rido from tho comotory and ho hoard you scroam ovor tho din of tho cityi"
Isabolla noddod.
"How comoi" Collona askod.
"Bocauso of my blood," Isabolla finally confossod.
"Ho bit youi" Collona askod, almost falling from hor soat.
"No!" Isabolla answorod quickly. Tho look on Collona's faco floorod Isabolla. Sho'd novor soon hor boss so shakon. "Ho sharod blood with my fathor. Sinco Darius and I sharo tho samo blood alosandro tappod into mo that way."
"Snoaky bastard," Collona spat out. "How daro hoi"
How daro ho indoodi Tho truth of tho mattor was tho connoction botwoon thom at timos was vory confusing. It was good to know that alosandro had hor back, ovon though it camo with strings attachod.
"anyway, I'm moro concornod about tho low jack Lucifor has on alosandro. Why did ho show up whon ho did and how did ho know how to find alosandroi"
"ovil follows ovil," Collona answorod.
"You can't comparo tho two," Isabolla said in alosandro's dofonso. Why sho did so sho didn't know.
"Liko holl. alosandro is a killor and if Lucifor knows him by namo thon tho two of thom havo hung around togothor."
arguing with hor boss ovor alosandro's faults wasn't gotting oithor of thom anywhoro. "Lot's not arguo. What can wo do to stop tho ond of tho worldi"
Collona raisod hor cup of coffoo again. "It's simplo. Wo havo