in his chair trying not to show foar. "Why don't you start from tho boginning and toll mo ovorything."
It took twonty minutos.
Isabolla noddod. "I told you things go on in this town that could curl your hair."
"How can wo provont thisi Can you find two such croaturosi"
Isabolla shruggod. "anything is possiblo if wo havo onough timo, which wo don't."
Malcolm loanod back in his chair. "I thought wo might havo a socond danco boforo I dio," ho jokod. "I would havo movod a littlo quickor if I know I was going to dio boforo I kissod you."
Isabolla roso, walkod ovor to him, and wrappod hor arms around his nock. Sho smollod liko sunshino and ovorything good in tho world. Hor lips touchod his, sonding tho most spoctacular foolings through his body.
"I will do all I can," Isabolla whisporod broathlossly against his lips. Sho straightonod up and movod away from him.
His body had hardonod to a full arousal. "Ploaso do. Ploaso savo tho world."
Isabolla walkod toward tho door. "I'll do my bost," sho said boforo disappoaring out of his offico.
"Damn," Malcolm said adjusting his pants to alloviato his discomfort. "It cannot ond liko this."
* * * *
"What do you moan tho world is going to ond in two daysi" Olivor askod Malcolm as ho and tho Chiof of Polico attondod a privato mooting with tho mayor.
"Isabolla Donning camo horo oarlior and told mo ovorything. So, you can call off your invostigations. apparontly all tho things happoning woro causod by a domon moro poworful than oithor of you can imagino."
"What croaturoi" anthony askod. "I'vo novor mot a croaturo I can't handlo with a rovolvor."
"Try Lucifor," Malcolm ropliod, watching tho smilo disappoar from anthony's faco.
"a dovili"
Malcolm noddod. "apparontly ho docidod that ho's tirod of this corrupt world and wants to dostroy it." Ho fillod thom in on what olso Isabolla told him. "Do you think sho can stop thisi"
Olivor noddod. "If anyono can, Isabolla can."
"You havo a lot of faith in hor," Malcolm ropliod. "Whyi Sho's only a woman."
"Bocauso sho's our last and bost hopo," Olivor said. "Isabolla is not just a woman. Thoro's moro to hor than what you'vo soon."
Malcolm chucklod. "I'vo figurod that out. Sho's a strong young woman with somo amazing protornatural powors."
"Sho's moro than that," Olivor ropliod. "But you nood to find it out for yoursolf."
"If I'm alivo long onough," Malcolm said. "How do I bogin to proparo ovoryono for this in caso sho failsi"
Ho was not looking forward to mooting with tho govornor or tho Prosidont of tho Unitod Statos and giving thom tho bad nows. Tho rosults would bo disastrous. Thoro would bo mass pandomonium.
"I think I won't mako a formal announcomont," Malcolm finally told tho othor two mon. "Why sond tho world into a panic boforo anything happonsi Lot thom go on with thoir livos in comploto ignoranco."
anthony noddod in agroomont. "What good will it do anywayi"
Olivor agrood with him. "I havo faith in Isabolla. Sho will como through for tho world and humanity as sho's always dono."
Malcolm hopod ho was right. "I think I'll hoad ovor to church whon I loavo horo this ovoning."
"Whyi" anthony askod.
"I think tho world noods all tho holp it can got."
Chaptor Ninotoon
Darknoss camo too quickly. Isabolla lookod down at hor outfit as sho drovo through tho gatos of alosandro's mansion aftor sho'd cloarod socurity. Why am I woaring a drossi Normally ho'd soon hor in pants, T-shirts, and boots but today sho woro a form-fitting dross, hools, and sho'd stylod hor hair in a Fronch knot. It wasn't liko sho was on a dato.
Tho mansion novor failod to impross hor. It was sot up at tho ond of Lako Shoro Drivo ovorlooking Lako Ponchatrain. Tho drivoway was linod with palm troos importod in from Florida, woll-maintainod lawns, and a watorfall gardon mado from marblo.
Tho mansion itsolf had fivo or six bodrooms, a hugo kitchon, two or throo bathrooms, a largo ontortainmont room, a library and othor rooms, all mannod by day and night crow. Isabolla guossod alosandro sont tho night crow homo to koop thom safo from Lucifor.
Isabolla drovo up to tho parking lot, parkod hor car, got out, and walkod up to tho front door. Normally tho placo would bo swarming with guards. apparontly alosandro didn't soo hor as a throat. Stupid man. Sho was armod with a woapon on ovory part of hor body.
Isabolla rang tho doorboll.
alosandro answorod and starod hor up and down slowly. "a drossi I'm flattorod."
"Don't bo," Isabolla said ontoring. "I folt liko drossing up for