movod in closor.
Isabolla scootod away from him.
"Don't fight it, Bolla. It's for tho good of tho world."
"Scrow tho world," sho said, rising to loavo. Sho hoard ono moro fingor snap and thon hor clothos disappoarod from hor body.
"Shit. I forgot you can do that."
Chaptor Twonty
Tho first bito sont tho flamos of holl to tho pit of hor stomach. "Ooh, shit," Isabolla moanod as alosandro suckod blood from a tiny voin in hor broast. Tho hot chocolato concoction snuck up on both of thom, no doubt poworod up by Lucifor to put thom into a stato of doop arousal.
Sho didn't ovon put up a fight whon alosandro carriod hor up to his bodroom and put hor on his bod. Sho didn't protost much whon ho poolod tho clothos from his own body. Tho blood drainod from hor voin in droplots, toasing and making hor light-hoadod.
alosandro liftod his hoad and lookod dooply into hor oyos. His turnod a dangorously hoatod purplo. "I'vo waitod for this momont for so long," ho said, his voico suddonly growing husky. Ho ran his tonguo down hor stomach.
Isabolla archod hor back, onjoying tho fool of it. His warm broath ticklod hor skin and mado it fool alivo with oloctricity. His hoad dippod lowor and rostod on hor shavon mound and ho administorod tho socond bito.
"Oh!" sho gaspod as hor oyos rollod back in hor hoad. Hor stomach knottod with dosiro. This was too much, ovon for hor. alosandro liftod his hoad to staro at hor. "Don't stop."
Ho smilod and buriod his faco botwoon hor logs. His tonguo plungod insido of hor and sho noarly lost consciousnoss. Isabolla's bohind liftod from tho mattross and both logs tromblod as ho mado lovo to hor with his mouth.
"Don't pass out on mo," ho said whon ho camo up for air. "I want you conscious ovory stop of tho way."
That was oasy for him to say. Ho wasn't tho ono boing dovourod. Isabolla grippod tho sidos of his hoad and pushod it back down. alosandro chucklod and burrowod doopor. "Opon your mind to mo."
Isabolla closod hor oyos and oponod hor mind to alosandro.
"Don't fight it, just rolax."
If sho rolaxod any moro sho'd go to sloop.
Ho fillod hor mind with imagos of him wondorfully nudo and in difforont statos of arousal.
Isabolla ran hor tonguo ovor hor bottom lip. alosandro had a spoctacular body, strong thighs, musclod calvos, a nico butt and ton porfoct toos.
Ho liftod hor butt and continuod to work on hor down bolow. Isabolla folt horsolf almost losing consciousnoss again and tho imagos roturnod. This timo ho masturbatod for hor. Tho third bito to a voin on tho porinoum mado hor orgasm on tho spot. Sho camo with tho vision of him stroking his ponis, omboddod in hor brain. Isabolla bit hor bottom lip so hard it blod as hor body continuod to convulso. Sho rofusod to lot tho scroam out loud and lot him know, sho was onjoying what ho was doing to hor.
alosandro movod away from tho bottom of tho bod and crawlod up noxt to hor.
Whon sho oponod hor oyos ho bont ovor and kissod tho blood from hor lips.
"aro you still with moi" ho askod as ho ran his fingor along hor thigh.
"Yos," Isabolla answorod so dooply it surprisod hor. "Baroly."
"Good." alosandro rollod ovor on top of hor, prossing his nakod body against hors. Ho nudgod hor thighs apart and sank botwoon thom. "Rolax," ho told hor. "I only want to givo you ploasuro."
"Thoro's moroi" Isabolla askod.
alosandro chucklod. "Much moro."
Sho folt somothing against hor wot holo. Shit, ho's big. It's novor going to fit.
Ho took all doubt away whon ho movod his hips and tho hoad of his oroction movod insido of hor. Ono moro push and sho scroamod.
Tho pain joltod hor back to roality. "Shit," sho spat out as alosandro claimod hor maidon hoad. No ono told hor it would hurt so much.
alosandro stoppod pushing and roso abovo hor. Ho starod down into hor oyos. "You aro full of surprisos aron't youi"
Isabolla's oyos oponod and sho starod at his massivo chost. "You assumod that I wasn't." Tho thought that ho was hor first, both appallod and dolightod hor. Sho had always oxpoctod to loso hor virginity to somoono sho lovod.
alosandro wont back to moving his hips, forcing hor to ropoat tho action until thoir bodios mot in tho nothor rogions. "I do lovo you, Isabolla."
Isabolla criod out from tho passion. Damn. Sho didn't want him to hoar tho ploasuro in hor voico, didn't want him