very least. What kind of treatment does it need, for a start? But what really was frightening Zoey was the nagging thought that it might do something to her; something she didn’t know; something gross or scary or horrible. And, of course, there was always the chance it would turn her into an animal or something, or even a witch. She really had to address it now and drop everything else.
Zoey walked into the library, her long legs and excellent posture creating a graceful and kind of undulating gate, as her flip-flops gently slapped the underside of her feet. This particular library was new to her and she didn’t have a clue where to look for information on witch’s bites. She walked up to the librarian who was busy writing something down on a messy notepad.
“Witches,” Zoey startled her with her clear precise voice. “Can you tell me where I should go for books on witches?” The librarian had a funny smell, like musk or dank basements and she looked at Zoey in obvious distaste. She pointed over to the back of the room and told Zoey, she’d have to the stairs and then down to the basement and look for a sign that said ‘Occult History and Practices’.
Zoey thanked her and went in that direction, hoping that what she needed would be in that collection of books. She looked down at her bite and she could see it was still red around the bandage and throbbed despite the ointment she had dressed it with. As she walked to the stairs her thoughts went back to just two nights ago when she was bitten.
It’s not easy killing a witch. You have to know how to do it. The thirty-something witch put up quite a fight. She could see that brassy blonde hair flipping around and around as she tumbled down the two flights of stairs. It isn’t like they have superhuman powers or anything. They only have powers in their spells and craft, but physically, they are not very strong. But that’s the trick, isn’t it? Making sure they don’t have time to throw out one of their debilitating spells while you’re trying to kill them. Her father had taught her that, at least. Although, she was sure he would never have dreamed that she would be wrestling with a wiry witch one day.
Yes, her father had mentioned that you must distract them with very loud kind and loving words while you’re fighting them so they can’t recall the spell words- the demon words that call on powers to help them. Her dad knew about that from his own father who once killed a witch. Her dad had told her the witch was trying to disable or kill Zoey’s grandmother, his mother.
“Maybe it skips a generation like everything else,” she said to herself, as she slowly descended the stairs to the basement. She didn’t even want to kill that witch but the bitch-witch said she would render Zoey’s youngest brother mute for the rest of his life. And the witch had already made Max, her other brother, only able to tell the truth all the time. This got him in big trouble with his girlfriend, friends, teachers and even their mother.
Plus, the same witch had put a spell on Zoey’s mom too. She had made her mom only have an appetite for raw meat and had no taste for vegetables or fruit and was getting so thin and sick. It was disgusting. No, Mandy, the witch had to be stopped. Who knew where it would end? Too bad she was able to sink her teeth into Zoey’s hand just moments before she went flying down those stairs. But the good news? All the spells dissipated the moment that witch hit the floor. Zoey knew, cause when she got home her family were all better and back to normal.
She saw the sign reading ‘Occult History and Practices’ and after a while picked up a book labeled, ‘Spells and Remedies for the Modern Witch’. She checked and ‘Modern’ in this case actually referred to 1963, but hey, most spells and witch history were ancient anyway.
In the index of that large thick book, she saw a chapter named, “Protection from Witch Attacks”. Now that sounded right, so she took the book over to the nearest table and perused for a bit. “How lucky can you get?” she said softly to herself because right there, in that particular chapter was information on witch’s bites.