Reflected in You(99)

He grinned.

"There she is."

Parker still worked me over, but it wasn't from lack of trying on my part.

I was in it every step of the way, venting my frustration with good, healthy exercise.

The few victories I managed to earn spurred my determination to fight for my rocky relationship, too.

I was willing to put in the time and effort to be there for Gideon, to be a better and stronger person so we could get through our issues.

And I was going to tell him that, whether he wanted to hear it or not.

When my hour was over, I cleaned up and waved good-bye to my classmates and then shoved at the push bar of the exit door and stepped out into the still-warm evening air.

Clancy had already brought the car around to the door and was leaning against the fender in a pose that only a moron would think was casual.

Despite the heat, he wore a jacket, which concealed his sidearm.

"Things moving along?" He straightened to open the door for me.

As long as I'd known him, he'd kept his dark blond hair in a military crew cut.

It added to the impression of his being a very somber man.

"Working on it."

Sliding into the backseat, I told Clancy to drop me off at Gideon's.

I had my own key and I was prepared to use it.

On the drive over, I wondered if Gideon had gone to see Dr.

Petersen for his appointment or if he'd blown it off.

He'd agreed to individual therapy only because of me.

If I wasn't part of the equation anymore, he might not see any reason to make the effort.

I entered the understated and elegant lobby of Gideon's apartment building and checked in with the front desk.

It wasn't until I was alone in his private elevator that the nerves really hit me.

He'd placed me on his approved list weeks before, a gesture that meant so much more to him and me than it would to others because Gideon's home was his sanctuary, a place he allowed few visitors to see.

I was the only lover he'd ever entertained there and the only person, aside from his household staff, who had a key.

Yesterday I wouldn't have doubted my welcome, but now .

I exited into a small foyer decorated with checkerboard marble tiles and an antique console bearing a massive arrangement of white calla lilies.

Before I unlocked his front door, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for however I might find him.

The one previous time he'd attacked me in his sleep, it had shattered him.

I couldn't help but fear what the second time had done to him.

I was terrified that his parasomnia might be the wedge that drove us apart.