Reflected in You

Reflected in You by Sylvia Day, now you can read online.

Chapter 1

I loved New York with the kind of mad passion I reserved for only one other thing in my life.

The city was a microcosm of new world opportunities and old world traditions.

Conservatives rubbed shoulders with bohemians.

Oddities coexisted with priceless rarities.

The pulsing energy of the city fueled international business bloodlines and drew people from all over the world.

And the embodiment of all that vibrancy, driving ambition, and world- renowned power had just screwed me to two toe-curlingly awesome orgasms.

As I padded over to his massive walk-in closet, I glanced at Gideon Cross's sex-rumpled bed and shivered with remembered pleasure.

My hair was still damp from a shower, and the towel wrapped around me was my only article of clothing.

I had an hour and a half before I had to be at work, which was cutting it a little too close for comfort.

Obviously, I was going to have to allot time in my morning routine for sex, otherwise I'd always be scrambling.

Gideon woke up ready to conquer the world, and he liked to start that domination with me.

How lucky was I? Because it was sliding into July in New York and the temperature was heating up, I chose a slim pair of pressed natural-linen slacks and a sleeveless poplin shell in a soft gray that matched my eyes.

Since I had no hairstyling talent, I pulled my long blond hair back in a simple ponytail, then made up my face.

When I was presentable, I left the bedroom.

I heard Gideon's voice the moment I stepped into the hallway.

A tiny shiver moved through me when I realized he was angry, his voice low and clipped.

He didn't rile easily.

unless he was ticked off with me.

I could get him to raise his voice and curse, even shove his hands through his glorious shoulder-length mane of inky black hair.

For the most part, though, Gideon was a testament to leashed power.

There was no need for him to shout when he could get people to quake in their shoes with just a look or a tersely spoken word.

I found him in his home office.

He stood with his back to the door and a Bluetooth receiver in his ear.

His arms were crossed and he was staring out the windows of his Fifth Avenue penthouse apartment, giving the impression of a very solitary man, an individual who was separate from the world around him, yet entirely capable of ruling it.

Leaning into the doorjamb, I drank him in.

I was certain my view of the skyline was more awe-inspiring than his.

My vantage point included him superimposed over those towering skyscrapers, an equally powerful and impressive presence.

He'd finished his shower before I managed to crawl out of bed.

His seriously addictive body was now dressed in two pieces of an expensively tailored three-piece suit -  an admitted hot button of mine.