Reflected in You(101)

Incoming call.

When I saw it was Cary, I let it go to voice mail.

I didn't think I'd be on the phone with Shawna too long and I could call him back.

"How did I know that?" She laughed.

"I've got four tickets if you've got someone you'd like to bring along.

Meet up at six? Grab something to eat first? The show starts at nine."

Gideon walked in just as I answered, "You've got a date."

He stood just inside the door with his jacket slung over one arm, the top button of his dress shirt undone, and a briefcase in his hand.

His mask was in place, showing no emotion whatsoever at finding me sprawled on his couch in his T-shirt with a glass of his wine on his table and his television on.

He raked me with a head-to-toe glance, but nothing flickered in those beautiful eyes.

I suddenly felt awkward and unwanted.

"I'll get back to you about the other ticket," I told Shawna, sitting up slowly so I didn't flash him.

"Thanks for thinking of me."

"I'm just glad you're coming! We're going to have a great time."

We agreed to talk the next day and hung up.

In the interim, Gideon set his briefcase down and tossed his jacket over the arm of one of the gilded chairs flanking the ends of the glass coffee table.

"How long have you been here?" he asked, yanking the knot of his tie loose.

I stood.

My palms grew damp at the thought that he might kick me out.

"Not long."

"Have you eaten?" I shook my head.

I hadn't been able to eat much all day.

I'd gotten through the session with Parker courtesy of a protein drink I'd picked up during my lunch hour.

"Order something."

He walked past me toward the hallway.

"Menus are in the kitchen drawer by the fridge.

I'm going to grab a quick shower."

"Do you want something?" I asked his retreating back.

He didn't stop or look at me.
