Reflected in You(268)

Hyde shit ain't cutting it with me."

His hand went into his pocket, his movements leisurely and controlled, which was when he was at his most dangerous.

"You're completely unmanageable."

"When I've got clothes on.

Get used to it."

The car doors opened and I stepped out.

His hand went to the small of my back, and a shiver moved through me.

That innocuous touch, through layers of material, had been inciting lust in me from the very first.

"You put your hand on Corinne's back like this again, and I'm breaking your fingers."

"You know I don't want anyone else," he murmured.

"I can't.

I'm consumed with wanting you."

Both the Bentley and the Mercedes were waiting at the curb.

The sky had darkened while I'd been inside, as if it were brooding along with the man beside me.

There was a weighted expectation in the air, an early sign of a gathering summer storm.

I stopped beneath the entrance overhang and looked at Gideon.

"Make them ride together.

You and I need to talk."

"That was the plan."

Angus touched the brim of his hat and slid behind the wheel.

The other driver walked up to Gideon and handed him a set of keys.

"Miss Tramell," he said, by way of greeting.

"Eva, this is Raul."

"We meet again," I said.

"Did you pass on my message last time?" Gideon's fingers flexed against my back.

"He did."

I beamed.

"Thank you, Raul."

Raul went around to the front passenger side of the Bentley, while Gideon escorted me to the Mercedes and opened the door for me.

I felt a little thrill as he got behind the wheel and adjusted the seat to accommodate his long legs.