Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,9

“And now I can’t get it out of my head.”

“Wow,” she mutters. “You lucky bitch.”

“Is it lucky? Now I’m torturing myself with fantasies of us together, which can never happen, by the way, and he’s carrying on like it meant nothing, which it probably didn’t to a man like him. I mean, look at him.”

“Shit, Leia, take a breath. You’re acting crazy. Did he say anything after the kiss?”

“Not much. Just that we should keep it quiet.”

Jade fans herself again. “A secret fling. That is so hot.”

“Can you stop,” I moan. “I can’t think of him like that. Remember my life plan and how it doesn’t involve bikers, especially ones who are ten years older than me?”

“Forget that. Age is just a number, baby, and Chains is gorgeous. You totally should fantasize about him. In fact, it’s weird if you don’t. Hey, he could be the virginity guy.” She gasps and I laugh.

I’ve been talking more and more about losing my V card recently. I never meant to stay a virgin. It’s not like I’m waiting for ‘the one’ or for marriage. I just don’t get the opportunity to have a relationship with a man, not with my brother and the rest of the Kings around.

“No!” I say firmly. “Forget any plan involving Chains.”

“Oh, come on, he’s perfect. A man who doesn’t have relationships but is experienced. I bet he’s had sex with loads of virgins.”

I screw my face up. “That doesn’t make me want to sleep with him,” I say.

“It should. It makes me want to sleep with him.” She giggles. “Star thinks you should auction yourself off online,” she says. I laugh at the ludicrous suggestion. “No, seriously. We looked it up on Google and women have done it before. One girl made a million!”

“I am not prostituting myself.” I laugh.

“It’s a win-win situation. You get rid of your V card and some lucky bastard pays you money for the privilege.”

“I can’t believe we’re even discussing this. Can you imagine what Riggs would do if he could hear us now?”

“Can you imagine what he’d do if he discovered that you kissed two hot men in one night and both of them are forbidden fruits?” she asks, laughing. I groan. It’d push him over the edge.


“Finally, Riggs. We were beginning to think there were problems amongst the Kings,” drawls Vinn. We’re sitting in the back room of the Romanos’ restaurant for our business meeting arranged by Enzo. This is the first time they’ve seen Riggs in a few weeks because of all the shit he’s had going off with Anna.

“My VP and my enforcer are more than capable of dealing with business,” says Riggs.

“I don’t doubt it, but why deal with the monkeys when it’s the ringmaster we made the deal with?”

I exchange a look with Cree that says I want to smash this ass’s face in. Cree smirks, showing me he feels the same. “Now now, Vinn, let’s not upset my monkeys. They might get a little wild,” says Riggs.

“I met your sister,” says Vinn, taking a sip of his bourbon. “Lovely girl.”

“Girl is right. Nineteen,” says Riggs stiffly. “Now, are we here to talk business or about the kiss between you and my younger sister?”

“She told you?” He smirks.

“There are no secrets in my club.”

“How would you feel about me taking her out on a date?”

I rise to my feet, unable to control my anger. Riggs shakes his head at me and I take a deep calming breath. “I don’t think that would be wise, Vinn. Let’s not mix business and pleasure. My sister is off limits to my men and my business associates.”

“Pity. Making strong ties between the mafia and the club could prove fruitful for all involved,” says Vinn.

“Leia ain’t a business deal,” I growl. “We’re not gonna sell her to you.”

“I didn’t mention buying her,” Vinn says with a smile. “I was merely saying that—”

“If you want to mix family ties, let’s discuss your sister,” I suggest, and Vinn’s face darkens. He doesn’t like that idea.

“My sister is not up for discussion,” cuts in Riggs. “Now, you said you had business to discuss. I’m short on time, so let’s get on.”

Vinn smiles with amusement and nods his head. “I have a shipment coming, but I need high security and eyes on the police at all times.”

“What kind of shipment?” asks Riggs.

“Women and children,” says Vinn.

Riggs shakes his head. “No. We don’t traffic humans.”

“I’m not asking you to. It’s all set. I just need manpower,”

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