Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,10

he says.

“You’re not bringing them into my docks. Guns and drugs was the deal.”

“Vinn, tell them the details.” Enzo sighs impatiently. “Stop playing games.”

Vinn pauses. “They’re not safe where they live now. We’re bringing them here for a better life.”

“I’m not an idiot. That lie works for them but not me. My club won’t be part of a people trafficking ring. I’ve seen what happens to those women,” says Riggs bluntly.

“You’re wrong. I have a hostel for them to live in. A factory they will work in for cash in hand. Childcare available to them. I’m not a monster, Riggs.”

“It’s true, Riggs,” says Enzo. “We’re helping. It’s a one-off for the families in Italy.”

“How many men do you need?” Riggs sighs. He doesn’t want to be a part of this, it’s obvious.

“Ten,” says Vinn, and Riggs nods in agreement. They shake hands. “And if you change your mind about your sister,” adds Vinn.

“I won’t,” says Riggs, coldly.

We get outside and I grumble, “He’s an ass. What the fuck is he on thinkin’ he can date Leia?”

“Maybe if you’d been watching her more closely, he wouldn’t be sniffing around her,” snaps Riggs. “Now he’s had a fuckin’ taste, he might not let go!”

“Pres, I took my eyes off her for a few minutes. She’s gonna do that kind of shit if you don’t let her off the leash you have her on. She’s bored and pissed that she’s not living life like a nineteen-year-old should be,” I say. I’m pushing my luck and the pulse in Riggs’ forehead ticks angrily.

“I got my ex pregnant when she was seventeen. I don’t want my sister to end up like that.”

I sigh. “Leia’s got her head screwed on right. She wouldn’t end up pregnant.”

“What happened with you and Anna earlier?” asks Cree, changing the subject.

“She’s laying the law down,” mutters Riggs. “Said I can see the kid when it's born, but she's not sure about me and her anymore.”

“Fuck,” says Cree. “When I saw her at the club, I assumed she’d be back in your bed and life would go on.”

“Me too, brother. Seems she’s hurt or some bullshit. Women are so over-sensitive,” says Riggs.

“You did dump her when she told you about the kid though,” I point out and Riggs glares at me.

“Are you tryin’ to piss me the fuck off,” he growls. “Go babysit Leia. I don’t wanna see your face for a few hours.”

I’m not sure why I have to babysit Leia when she’s only meeting her friends in The Windsor. It’s the watering hole for the Kings Reapers and no one would dare harm her in there, but Riggs wasn’t about to discuss it with the mood he’s been in all day. I linger near her table, but I don’t like her friends and listening to the way they talk pisses me off, so I join Gears and Blade.

“Is it hard?” asks Gears with a smirk. I wait for him to elaborate. “Being around Leia.”

“What ya talkin’ about?”

“We all know how you feel about her, brother. There ain’t no secrets here,” says Blade.

“She’s Riggs’ little sister. Don’t be jerks. You don’t give Lake this amount of shit.”

“Lake doesn’t look at her like you do,” says Blade. “You know she’s a virgin, right?”

“Of course, I know. Everyone knows, and she doesn’t stop pointing it out.”

“Gears heard them talkin’. Her friends were tryin’ to get Leia to auction off her virginity online.”

My fists ball. I can’t show them any type of reaction or they’ll keep giving me shit about my feelings towards her again, so I shrug. “Then you’d better tell the Pres. He won’t want to find that shit out from some outsider.”

“We thought you might wanna bid,” Gears says and grins. “But in all seriousness, Riggs got a lot on right now. I’m passing it to you now you’re in charge of her.”

“I’m getting sick of hearing how Riggs has got a lot on,” I mutter. They exchange a look that says I’m outta line, and deep down I know I am, but Riggs needs to pull his shit together. “Pass it to Cree. He’s the VP, not me. Let him deal with it.”

Gear nods his head towards the door, Riggs and Cree are here. I grab my jacket. “Where ya goin’?” asks Gears.

“I gotta get outta here. Watch her. I’ll be back.”

Outside, I light a cigarette. I’ve been tryin’ to quit, but it ain’t that easy. As I inhale the badness, I relax a little. “Hey, you didn’t call.”

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