Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,11

I look to see Moon or Star or whatever the fuck Leia’s friend is called. “I figured you lost my number.”

“I didn’t lose nothin’, darlin’. I don’t call. I’m that guy,” I mutter.

“But it was good, wasn’t it,” she asks. “I thought we had a great time together.”

I nod in agreement. This chick is good in bed and her mouth doubles up as a vacuum. I get a semi just thinking about it. “You wanna get outta here for an hour,” I ask and she nods eagerly. Gears and Blade can babysit the club princess for an hour. “Where do you live?”

“Not far. I’ll direct you.” She smiles and we head for my bike.

Her house is a typical rich girl apartment overlooking the River Thames. How did Leia find this kind of friend? She isn’t like us. Inside the place is almost clinical. I’m afraid to sit down on the white couch in case I get oil on the damn thing. “Drink?” she asks politely.

I shake my head and fix her with a hard stare. “I didn’t come here to talk. Get naked.”

Her cheeks flush pink. She likes being bossed around. She pulls the zip at the back of her dress and it pools to the floor around her feet. “Leave the heels,” I order. I assess her toned body. She works out and it shows. I like a girl with more natural curves, but I’m not fussy when I feel this frustrated. “Crawl to me,” I say and she chews on her lower lip before slowly dropping on all fours and crawling towards where I stand by the window. Having women do exactly what I tell her too used to turn me the hell on but Leia’s argumentative nature seems to have gotten under my skin and now I crave for this bitch to give me some of that sass.

I unfasten my jeans and push them down under my ass. I stare down at her, waiting for her to make a move. She reaches inside my boxers and releases my erect cock. When she wraps her hands around it, I close my eyes and lean my head back against the window. She sucks me in like a professional and I hiss. I need this release so bad, but I can’t get Leia outta my damn mind. Her lips against mine. The way she stares at me with those innocent green eyes. I growl as I come in this chick's mouth, filling her with my seed.

“Star, what the hell is going on,” yells a voice from the door. I was so lost, I didn’t hear this dude come in, but he’s staring at us like I just killed his puppy. Star gets to her feet, looking panicked.

“Colin?” She gasps.

“Who’s this,” he yells, pointing at me. I tuck my cock back into my boxers and zip up my jeans.

“What are you doing here,” she asks. “You ignored my calls. I thought you’d left me for good.”

I roll my eyes and make for the door. I don’t need their drama, but as I pass Colin, his fist connects with my jaw. It’s not hard and I almost laugh. Leia can hit harder than that. “That’s for fucking my girl!” he yells.

“Okay, bud. Let’s calm it down,” I say with a smirk. He goes to hit me again, but this time I see it coming and I grab his fist and twist his arm up his back, shoving him against the wall. “I let you have the first one, you just caught your girl sucking my cock, but let’s not get cocky and try for a second cos I’ll break your face.”

Chapter Four


It doesn’t take a genius to know that Chains has slipped off with Star. They deserve each other. She’s entitled and self-absorbed and he’s a sex-addicted asshole. I drink a shot of vodka bitterly and wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. Since I laid that kiss on Chains, he’s all I think about.

Jade holds up her cell phone. I glance over the advert she’s made up and laugh.

Virginity for sale. Must be wealthy. Must be able to prove a clean bill of health. For more details contact my agent on . . .

“I’ll put my details down and we can go through the applicants together.” She smiles.

“This isn’t happening,” I say and laugh. “Don’t post that until I’m completely sober and of sane mind.”

“It’ll be fun. Let's do it.”

I’m distracted by yelling. Anna has arrived and she doesn’t

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