Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,12

look too happy about Riggs being drunk again. I head over and gently rub Anna’s shoulder, hoping to calm her down. “He texted me,” she says, holding her cell up for me to view the text. “He’s cancelled on me. He doesn’t want to come to the scan and see his unborn child.” I read the text and it is pretty blunt. I see why she’s pissed about it.

“If you’re not coming back, then it's done. I’m not sharing a kid and seeing him every other weekend,” he slurs.

“I’m not coming back. I’m moving on with my life. Goodbye, Riggs.” Anna heads for the door and Riggs stands.

“If you’ve met someone else, Anna, I’ll fucking kill him!” he warns. The bar falls silent and all eyes are on the couple.

“You forgot that I’m good at running, Riggs. I don’t need you in my life and I can do better. You’ve made your choice. No going back now, so keep your threats to yourself. I’ve faced bigger demons than you.”

She leaves and Riggs slowly sits down. He looks defeated and it breaks my heart. “It’s such a mess,” I mutter. I’ve not seen him this down since Michelle left him all those years ago. “I love you,” I whisper, and he smiles a little and then wraps me in his arms. “I’ll talk to Anna,” I say into his chest. “I’ll make her see that you and she are meant to be.”

“Good luck with that, sis. She hates me right now and I don’t fuckin’ blame her, but she’s right. I gotta step up and prove I’m a good dad. No more drinking for me. I’m gonna sort my head out. I’m gonna go away for a while. Time alone on the road will sort me out.” He releases me. “I’m leaving Cree and Chains in charge, so no giving them the run-around.”

“Moi?” I smile innocently. “As if.”

Monday soon comes around again. Riggs left yesterday with no real plan, just him and his bike. He said the road would sort him out and Mum agrees. Apparently, my dad swore by it if he was having a tough time.

“What time do you get out?” asks Chains as I get off his bike and lift my backpack onto my shoulder. “Is that nerd waiting for you?” he adds, nodding past me. I glance back and smile at Ryan who waits patiently.

“He always walks me to class,” I say. “And I get out around twelve.”

“Why does he walk you to class? Don’t you know the way?”

“Because he’s nice.” Ryan was one of the first people to take me under his wing when I started University two years ago. He’s two years above me and doing a Ph.D. in medicine. He’ll be a surgeon or something equally as amazing one day. “I’m going to see Anna after here, so I can make my own way and call you afterwards?”

“I’ll be here at twelve,” he says firmly. I was hoping he’d let up now Riggs isn’t around.

I head over to Ryan. “How was your weekend?” I ask.

“Dull. I studied all weekend. You?” Ryan takes his study very seriously. I do too, but maybe not to the extent where I’m studying all weekend.

“Aw, ya know, caught up with friends.” I shrug my shoulders.

Ryan laughs. “Did you even bother to pick up a textbook?” I shake my head. “You start placement in a month. You need to get your head in a book.”

“I will,” I say with promise in my voice.

We stop outside my lecture hall. “I was wondering if you wanna study after lectures? We could grab a coffee and sit in the park?” asks Ryan.

“I can’t. I’m getting collected at twelve. Maybe tomorrow?”

Ryan nods and smiles. “It’s a date.” I watch as he walks off in the direction of his lecture. I don’t like the way he said the word ‘date’, but it’s too late to correct him.

By the time I get to Anna’s after twelve, I’m exhausted. The lecture went on and on this morning, and my brain wouldn’t absorb anything. Maybe Ryan has a point about studying more and partying less. “I’ll wait out here,” says Chains.

Anna looks tired and pale when she answers the door. We hug and I follow her inside. “Does Chains hate me too?” she asks, glancing behind me at Chains sitting on his bike.

“No. Nobody hates you, Anna.”

“I feel like they do. I’ve been abandoned since I upset their damn king.” She winces and takes me by the hand.

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