Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,7

worked together,” I mutter. I’ll have another word with Leia. She can’t tell Eva about her kiss with Vinn or me. None of tonight's shit can get back to Riggs.

“There’s a few club girls in tonight, man. Take your pick. You deserve it after babysitting tonight.”

I go inside and Anita makes a bee line for me. Usually, I’d love nothin’ more than to tap her ass, but Leia is lying on one of the couches and her eyes are fixed on me. It’s like that kiss changed somethin’ between us. She’s looking at me differently, with wonder in her eyes. Anita places her hand against my chest. “Not tonight, darlin’,” I mutter, passing her by.

I spot Riggs with his head down on the bar. “Pres?”

“Hmm,” he grumbles.

“You look like shit again.”

“Always count on you to make me feel better,” he mutters, slowly lifting his head.

“The way I see it, you got two choices,” I say as Cree joins us.

“Let us hear it then, oh wise one.” Riggs smirks.

“You can either keep this up, drinking yourself into depression, or you can get your woman back and live happily ever after.”

Riggs looks to Cree, who shrugs. “Is this guy serious? Are you serious, brother?”

“Deadly,” I say with a smile.

“It's not that easy,” he hisses.

“It really is. You’re making it difficult. You’re basing this stupid choice on what happened in the past. You’re being an ass. We all think so.”

Riggs looks between me and Cree. “You don’t get it. I can’t raise another kid on my own.”

“So, you’d rather sit here alone, drinking and wishing Anna was here?” asks Cree. “You gotta sort your shit, Pres. If you really can’t be with her anymore, then fine. But don’t sit here feeling sorry for yourself every night. We got shit to do and you’re the president. The brothers look to you for leadership.”

“That’s why I have you, Vice President,” slurs Riggs, poking Cree’s badge.

“I kissed Vinn,” Leia blurts out, and we all turn to her. Silence follows and I think I can hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. “That’s what happens when you’re too busy drinking and letting things slip,” she adds.

Riggs’ face is red with anger. He tries to stand but fails and falls back onto his stool. “You’d better be lying,” he growls.

“Of course, she’s lying,” I cut in. “Shut the hell up, Leia.”

“Why weren’t you watching her?” he yells at me.

I glare at Leia and she stumbles over to where we are. “It’s not Chains’ fault. I threw myself at Vinn and made an idiot of myself. Luckily, Chains explained that I was drunk and Vinn was fine about it, but do you see that everything is falling apart because you’re not okay? Anna’s scan is coming up. Go with her, Riggs. She went alone to Malia’s scans because her ex was an ass and now, you’re doing the same thing to her. She’s heartbroken,” Leia cries.

I curse the effect of alcohol under my breath. It’s made her brave . . . or stupid.

Riggs stares at Leia for a minute. We’re all silent, hoping this is the final shove he needs to see what a mistake he’s making. I’m praying her little speech makes him forget about the part where she kissed Vinn. He pushes himself to stand on wobbly legs. “I’m going to bed,” he mutters. “Goodnight.”

Chapter Three


“What the hell were you thinking?” Mum’s voice sounds scratchy mixed with my hangover. “You kissed the next in line to take over the Italian mafia. Are you crazy?”

“I was drunk,” I mumble into my hands.

“That’s the excuse for you and your brother lately and I am sick of it. No more drinking. And no more kissing mobsters!” she yells. Eva smirks from across the breakfast table. I scowl back. “Why can’t you get with one of the guys? It doesn’t have to be from this charter, but a Kings Reaper isn’t so bad, is it?”

“Mum, do we have to talk about this right now?”

“Yes, we do. I want to know why you are always trying to escape this life. What’s so bad about becoming an ol’ lady and settling down here?” Chains walks into the kitchen with Anita clinging onto his hand. We lock eyes for a second. I don’t know why it bothers me to see him with Anita, but it does. A lot! “Well?” mum pushes.

“Why does it matter to you so much,” I ask. “Why do you want me to settle for a biker so badly?”

“Because this

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