Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,6

know how dangerous Vinn is, Leia? He might appear smooth, but he’s fucked up!”

“I felt sick. He was helping me.”

“So you didn’t do anything with him?” He scoffs. “Not even a quick kiss?” I hesitate. If I admit the kiss, then Chains will tell Riggs and it may cause problems for the club. Chains takes the hesitation as admittance and shakes his head in disappointment. “I’m telling Riggs about this.”

I have a split second to think, then I throw myself at him. He catches me in his arms and looks down at me with confusion. I press my lips against his, and for a second, it’s awkward. He’s frozen in bewilderment, but then he relaxes and kisses me back. It surprises me because I fully expected him to shove me away in disgust.

Kissing Vinn was nice, but kissing Chains is hot. He walks me backwards into a store doorway, not breaking our kiss. His hand rakes my hair and he tugs slightly at the roots as he angles my face perfectly to meet his every move. His tongue sweeps through my mouth and I feel my toes curl. When he finally pulls away, he still holds me there and stares into my eyes. I see a blaze burning. What the fuck just happened?

“Now you can’t tell Riggs,” I whisper and Chains frowns. When he finally understands what I just did, he steps back.

“Shit,” he mutters, a look of hurt in his eyes. He turns and stomps off, leaving me to catch up.


I’ve lost count of the days I’ve spent wanting to kiss Leia. I finally get my lips on hers, then she utters those words and it’s like a bucket of ice is poured over me. The little bitch played me.

“Chains, wait,” she pants, running to catch up. We caught a taxi into town, but I’m making her walk the twenty minutes back to the clubhouse.

I ignore her pleas to slow down and her moans about her shoes hurting her feet. Then she stops. I turn back to see she’s sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, rubbing her feet. “What the fuck are you doin’?”

“My feet hurt. I have blisters,” she mutters.

“I don’t care. Get up.”

“Look, I'm sorry for what I did back there, okay. I was a cow. I just panicked when you said you were telling Riggs.”

“It was a shitty move,” I snap, bending down and pulling her foot roughly for me to examine. She yelps and falls back on her hands. She has a huge blister. I pick up her shoes and then pull her to stand. “I’ll carry you.” I sigh, lifting her into my arms. We’re just around the corner anyway. Leia rests her head against my shoulder and I resist the urge to kiss her on the head. She smells amazing.

I dump her back on her feet outside the club door. We stand awkwardly. “Please don’t tell Riggs about Vinn. I promise, I’ll steer clear of him from now on.”

“I’m not gonna tell him cos he’s got enough shit to deal with right now, but you’d better stay away from Vinn. He’s not right for you and it’ll blur lines between the Italians and the MC.”

“Okay,” she says and nods. “I get it.”

“And that shit that happened between us,” I add. “That needs to be kept quiet.” She nods again and then goes inside.

“Something happened with you and Leia?” comes Cree’s voice from the shadows.

“Fuck, Cree, why the hell are you sneaking around on people?”

“I’m the VP, that's what I do.” He smirks and I sigh heavily.

“It was nothing. A misunderstanding. She kissed me, for the record, but she’s drunk.”

Cree raises his brow. “You want me to put the prospect on kid watch instead?”

The thought of not watching Leia’s every move scares me way more than Riggs finding about how I feel about his sister. I shake my head. “No, brother, it’s sorted. She was making a point.”

“And what about her and Vinn?”

“Again, it was nothing. We went to his club tonight and she got a little flirty with him. Nothing happened.” I hate lying to Cree. He’s the VP and a good mate. We served together in the Forces, me, him, and Riggs.

“Good, cos we don’t need to make enemies with Vinn and Enzo.”

“We won’t. He thought it was funny. Said his kid sister is just as bad.”

“If Vinn’s kid sister flirted with any man in front of Vinn, she’d be locked away. Eva said he’s really hard on her.”

“I forgot they

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