Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,5

steer clear of him as much as possible.”

“Are you kidding?” I grin at his absurd suggestion. “He’s hot and he spoke to me. In this room full of beautiful women, he spoke to me. If Vinn wants to take my virginity right here on the bar, then I’ll be honest with ya, I’m down for that.”

Chains’ face darkens. “Not on my watch, Leia. All virginity will stay intact on my watch. Riggs will kill Vinn and then me, so that won’t work well for anyone.”

“I dunno. Vinn is pretty scary looking. I think he could take on you Kings,” I muse.

“Are you shitting me?” snaps Chains and I laugh. “Go drink with your friends, Leia. You’re pissing me off.”

The gold booth is for Vinn’s special guests. We get free drinks and champagne on ice. We’re literally treated like royalty and it’s addictive. We dance and laugh and every so often I feel Vinn’s eyes on me. He’s in some kind of meeting, by the looks of things. He’s got a laptop in front of him and the other guys have serious faces as they talk. I make a show of dancing. I wouldn’t usually, but knowing he’s watching is making me brave.

Chains growls in my ear and I turn to face him. “Stop!” he warns.

“Stop being a killjoy,” I huff.

“Leia, I’m gonna drag you outta here if you continue to slut drop and put on a fuckin’ show for Vinn.”

“It’s called flirting, Chains. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it before. I’m almost twenty,” I remind him.

“I don’t give a fuck. You keep doing that shit you’re doin’ and we’re outta here.”

“I’ll die a virgin if you asses keep cock blocking me!” I yell just as the music dips. Jade spits her drink out with laughter and my face burns with embarrassment.

“I’m calling Riggs’,” growls Chains, stomping away.

“Tell-tale,” I yell after him. Lake is never this bad. Of course, he wouldn’t let me run off with Vinn for a night of passion, but he’d let me flirt and have fun.

“Your guard dog is busy,” says Vinn and I jump at his voice in my ear. I didn’t hear him approach. “Shall we sneak away for a moment?” I nod my head and he smiles, his face beaming as he takes my hand. I glance over my shoulder at Jade, whose eyes are bugging out of her head. He leads me through a door and up some stairs into an office.

“Were you dancing for me, bellissima?” he asks as he runs a finger along my jaw. “I couldn’t concentrate on my meeting,” he adds. “I was making mistakes. Expensive mistakes.”

“Sorry,” I almost whisper. My throat has dried up and all I can think about is how it would feel to have his gorgeous lips on mine.

“I’m going to kiss you,” he says, his tone seductively low. A second later, his hands are cupping my face and his lips are a breath away from mine. I nod slightly because I feel like he’s waiting for my permission, then his lips are on mine. It’s nothing like I imagined—it’s way better. He’s gentle yet firm, soft yet commanding. When he pulls away, I’m panting for air and there’s a definite wetness in my panties. My cell rings in my pocket and Vinn reaches for it. He smiles and then answers it, pressing it to his ear. “Chains,” he greets.

I hear Chains yelling and Vinn laughs. “Please, calm down. Your princess was feeling sick, so I brought her for some air and a glass of water. She’s feeling much better now. I’ll return her.” He disconnects the call. “Seems you have many admirers.”

“Oh, Chains doesn’t like me in that way. He’s worried that Riggs will cut off his balls.”

“If my sister was taken from under my men’s nose by a dangerous man, I’d do more than cut off his balls,” he says smoothly, and even that causes me to shiver. He’s so hot.

He takes my hand again and leads me back into the VIP room, dropping it when we spot Chains. “No harm done, see,” says Vinn.

Chains glares at me. “Let’s go.”

“Really?” I ask. “Can’t we stay a bit longer?” His angry expression tells me no, so I head over to say goodbye to my friends.

Once outside, Chains stomps ahead of me and I have to almost run to keep up. “What is your problem?” I snap.

He spins to face me. “I’m supposed to look after you and you run off like that? You

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