Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,25

I smile weakly. “You been fighting?” he adds, peering at my face.

“It was a crazy night,” I mutter.

“Go get your bags packed. Manchester’s expecting you this evening,” says Cree.

I’m shoving clothes into my bag when the door flies open. I stare blankly at Leia and she glares at me with such hatred that I see the slap coming before she even knew she was doing it. My head buzzes from the blow. She’s got a strong left, I’ll give her that.

Chapter Seven


I pull my hand back and stare at it in shock. I’ve never raised my hand to anyone. I register the pain a second later and turn my back to Chains. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I cry out, shaking my hand. “Jesus Christ, is your face made of fuckin’ steel?” Chains goes back to stuffing clothes into his bag. “That’s it? You got nothing for me?” I demand.

“What do you want me to say?” he asks coldly. “In fact, get out of here. I don’t have time for this.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you explain what the hell is going on.”

Chains sighs heavily and then grabs my upper arm and pushes me towards the door. “If I get caught talking to you . . . ” he begins but I shrug out of his grip. He isn’t getting out of this lightly.

“By Dolly?” I demand angrily. “Did you tell her about us?”

He hangs his head, his hands on his hips. He looks defeated and worn down. “This is for the best,” he mutters.

“Best? You have no idea what’s best for me,” I snap. How dare he assume he knows that. I’m surrounded by men thinking they know what’s best.

“I fucked up, Leia, and now I have to put things right.”

“By running away, running scared and not fighting for what you really want?” I snap.

“You have no idea what I want,” he mumbles.

“Why did you do it?” I demand.

He zips up his bag and looks around the room. His eyes finally settle on me and he shrugs. “Every man’s dream is to fuck a virgin.” The words wound my already shattered heart.

“You risked my brother finding out just because you wanted to fuck a virgin?”

“Loyalty goes out the window for a pussy that tight, knowing no one’s been there but me.” He smirks. “Best feeling ever.”

“This isn’t you. Why are you acting like this?”

He moves closer and I step back. He keeps coming until I’m backed against the wall. “This is me, darlin’. I’m selfish. I fuck around and I move on. You need to do the same. Did you think because you’re the club princess that I’d claim you? I need a real woman and you . . . ” He looks me up and down. “Well, you’re just a girl trying to play with the big boys.”

I scowl. “And you, you’re just a pussy running scared from the club instead of being honest.”

Dolly comes bounding into the room. She’s oblivious to the current situation between me and Chains as she throws her bag next to his on the bed. “Manchester, here we come,” she announces then spots him glaring at me and her smile falters. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, baby, I’m just setting a few things straight for the club princess,” says Chains coldly. “She seems to think her pussy is magical and I’m just telling her that a fuck is a fuck.”

I press my lips together in a tight line. “You’re right,” I say, smiling up at him sweetly. “Nothing special about fucking an arrogant, self-absorbed asshole. Good riddance. I hope the next enforcer here is more of a man than you.” I turn to Dolly. “Good luck, Dolly. You’re gonna need it.” I duck under his arm and leave the room.

This is a sign. I am better than this and I can do better than him. I felt lust, that’s all, and he did me a favour. I’m free of my virginity and now I can stop worrying about it.

I find Eva waiting for me in my room. I’ve already told her the truth. I was upset at breakfast this morning and she cornered me right after Cree had called Chains into the office. I couldn’t hold my tears in any longer and ended up blurting everything out.

“You okay?” she asks warily.

“I’m better than okay. Chains is a piece of shit and I am so glad I found that out now instead of putting all my time and effort into him. I’m glad he’s going so I don’t have

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