Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,26

to ever see him again.”

I flop down on the bed and she crosses her legs, staring at me intently. “So, he’s really claiming Dolly and she’s leaving with him?”

“Looks that way.” I shrug casually.

“Did he say why he came to you then?”

“He wanted to take my virginity. Seems that’s every man’s dream,” I mutter bitterly. “At least it’s done now. I’m gonna call Ryan later and arrange a second date.”

“Really?” she asks, frowning. “I thought he wasn’t for you?”

“I need to give him a real chance now that Chains is out of the picture. I was too busy thinking about him to give Ryan a real chance. Did you sort things with Cree?”

“Yeah, I guess. I wish Riggs would come back so the pressure is lifted off Cree a little. He’s so stressed right now. Speaking of, Anna called me. She wants us to go over to her place.”

We head downstairs just as everyone’s saying their goodbyes to Chains and Dolly. I bet Dolly can’t believe her luck—she’s only been here a short time and she’s already being claimed. That hardly ever happens.

We push through the gathering crowd, and as I pass Chains, his hand grabs mine. I stop and look up at him. He looks like he wants to say something, but instead he just stares at me. His mouth opens but quickly closes when Cree slaps his shoulder. He grimaces like he’s in pain and drops my hand. “Got any parting words for our enforcer, Leia?” asks Cree cheerfully.

“Nope,” I say, popping the P.

“Not good luck or see you around?” pushes Cree. “What about you, Chains? Anything you wanna say to Leia?”

“Sorry,” mutters Chains. “For everything.”

“Aww, have you two had a falling out?” Cree asks in a mocking tone.

I glance between the pair. It dawns on me that Cree knows and I suddenly feel exposed, like they’ve been laughing about me. “Save it for someone who gives a shit,” I snap, storming out of the club with Eva hot on my heels.

Anna opens her door and smiles. “I spoke to Riggs.”

“Great. Is he okay?” I ask, my heartache forgotten momentarily. It’s nice to see her smiling for once.

“He’s coming home. He wants to talk to me tonight at the club.”

“And you’re ready for that?” asks Eva, because so far Anna hasn’t wanted to get back together with Riggs. Maybe him going away has made her realise that she loves him.

“I’m ready to talk.” She places her hand over her bump. “I don’t want to be a single mum again.”

I smile and hug her. “I’m so glad you want to work things out. You belong together.”

“So, can you help me get ready? I want to look good for him so he sees what he’s been missing.”

We spend the next two hours laughing, curling Anna's hair and then Malia’s because she wants to be like her mummy. We paint nails and do make-up and I feel happier talking to the girls. Gia joins us and we talk about stuffy brothers and how controlling they can be. For the first time all day, I don’t think about Chains.

Back at the club, I’m curled on the couch with Ziggy when Riggs walks through the door. Ziggy darts off the couch and makes a run for his dad. Riggs wraps him in his arms and swings him around. They’ve spoken every day on video call, but I guess it’s not the same as seeing each other in person.

I make my way over and Riggs wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses me gently on the head. “How’s things?”

“Good,” I say, and then my eyes fill with tears that spill over onto my cheeks.

He frowns. “Leia?”

I wipe quickly at my eyes and try to force out a laugh. “I’m fine. Guess I missed you more than I thought,” I say.

He smirks. “Careful. I might think you actually love me.” Anna walks out of Riggs’ office. She looks stunning in tight jeans and a low-cut strappy top that pushes her breasts up high. Her neat little bump is just visible and Riggs’ eyes go to it. “Anna,” he breathes.

“Riggs,” she says, adding a smile.

He kisses Ziggy on the head and then puts him on the ground and makes his way over to Anna. He places his large hands either side of her bump and stares at it in wonder. “I missed you,” he mutters.

They go into the office and I smile over at Eva. “That went well,” I say and she nods in agreement.


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