Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,24

looking, you’d have been sneaking around behind all of our backs.”

“I wouldn’t. I—”

“What? You’d have walked down to breakfast hand-in-hand? Claimed her? It was never going to go anywhere, you selfish prick. You took her virginity because you’re an ass. You only ever think of one person and that’s your fuckin’ self. I thought I knew you, brother.”

I stare at the disappointed man before me. We’ve been through so much together. Meeting Riggs and Cree in the Forces was my lifeline. They kept me straight and now I’ve blown it because I was thinking with my dick, as usual. I sigh and make for the door. “You’re wrong. I’ve liked Leia for a long time. You know that. When she started liking me back, I couldn’t be strong anymore.”

“She’s fuckin’ nineteen, Chains. Yah know what? I don’t wanna talk about this no more. Go talk with Dolly. I’m making an announcement in ten minutes, then you’re outta here. I can’t even look at you.”

Dolly is still lounging on my bed, showered and naked. “Where’ve you been?” she purrs. “Fuck, what happened to your face?”

She follows me into the bathroom and watches as I splash my bloody face with water. I hiss and glance in the mirror. Apart from a busted lip and cut eyebrow, I don’t look too bad. If I get outta here quick, I can avoid questions about the black eye forming.

“Get dressed,” I mumble. “Cree wants us downstairs so he can make an announcement.”

“Shit, Eva ain’t pregnant, is she? All these ol’ ladies are popping kids out and I ain’t even found me a man.”

“You have now. You’re mine. That’s the announcement.” I go back into the room and pull out a bag from under the bed, unzipping it. I feel Dolly staring at me in surprise, but I ain’t got the strength to explain anything.

“You serious?” she gasps. “You’re claiming me?”

“Looks that way,” I mutter.

Dolly squeals in delight and throws her naked body against mine. I wince as pain rips through me. “I’ll make you so happy,” she cries. “I’m gonna be the best ol’ lady ever.” She kisses me and I let her. Dolly’s just a victim in this mess same as Leia. She’s all happy she got herself an ol’ man that she don’t care I’m looking miserable.

She goes to her room to find the perfect outfit, returning ten minutes later in tight leather pants and a strappy top. It suits her, and if my heart and head weren’t in tatters right now, I’d see hope that we could make it. She takes my hand and we head downstairs to the main room where Cree’s already got everyone gathered around. I spot Leia sitting on a couch with Eva. Eva is talking animatedly and Leia occasionally nods. She looks deflated and sad. It breaks me.

“Here he is,” shouts Cree and the room quietens down. I feel Leia’s eyes on me, but I can’t look at her, I’m so ashamed. “It’s with sadness that I’m announcing the departure of our enforcer,” says Cree. To everyone here, he sounds genuinely sad, but I know the truth. “On a happier note, he’s walking away with a beautiful ol’ lady. He’s finally decided after years of fuckin’ around, he’s met the one. Ain’t that right, Chains?” says Cree, slapping me hard on the back. I wince again as pain shoots through my ribs. “No more fuckin’ around and breaking hearts for you.” Another slap to the back and this time, he smirks. He’s doing it on purpose, asshole.

“Shit, Chains,” says Brick. “Dolly’s been here for two god damn minutes and you’re claiming her? No one even got a sniff.”

“When you know, you know, right, brother?” Cree smiles, hitting me on the back again. I clench my jaw and nod. My eyes catch a glimpse of Leia, and she looks mad as hell.

“Where’re you going to, brother?” asks Brick.

“Manchester. Kings that way need some muscle,” Cree answers for me. “And it’s the perfect place to bring up kids. The perfect move.”

“You got Dolly pregnant?” Eva gasps with horror on her face.

“Not yet, but they’re tryin’.” Cree smiles again. “A new life, new family. Man, you’re a lucky son of a bitch.”

Dolly gives me a puzzled look and I squeeze her hand gently, warning her to keep her mouth shut. If I play along with this, maybe Cree won’t tell Riggs and I’ll get to keep my limbs. “We’ll keep in touch, brother,” says Brick. He shakes my hand and

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