Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,20

lips. She’s chasing the orgasm but I need to taste it, so I drop to my knees.

I stare at her glistening pussy and she tries to cover herself from me. I pin her hands either side of her hips and hold them against the wall. “Don’t ever cover yourself from me, Leia,” I hiss. “You're beautiful and I don’t want you hiding it from me.”

Her scent is an aphrodisiac as I move closer and breathe it in. I flick my tongue over her swollen clit and she cries out, almost buckling at the knees. “Ever had a man eat your pussy, Leia?” I growl. She shakes her head and a sense of pride fills me. “Open,” I order and her feet step apart. I keep her hands pressed by her hips and run my tongue from the back of her pussy to the front, lapping the juices and groaning in pleasure at her taste. It’s heaven, just like I knew it would be. Her back arches from the wall when I lock my mouth over her pussy. I release her hands and they go straight into my hair, gripping the roots as she grinds against my mouth.

I don’t let up until she's panting and moaning. Tears leak from the corners of her eyes. “Don’t stop,” she cries as I stand. I smirk, because I don’t plan to.

Chapter Six


Something’s taken over me. I’m like a possessed demon needing everything Chains is willing to give me. I push the thought of Dolly sleeping naked in his bed out of my head. He said he didn’t touch her and I need to believe him because all I can think about right now is how close I am to losing my virginity to the man I’ve been dreaming about since the first time he kissed me.

After my date with Ryan, I’d come home and cried. He was the perfect gentleman and everything I should have wanted in a man, but I felt nothing. In fact, his niceness drove me nuts and then it hit me—no matter what I think I want, I’ll always crave a man like Chains. Men who cuss and act like cavemen, bossing me around and taking what they want from me without asking politely or apologising. As Chains throws me on my bed, I know without doubt that this is what I will always seek.

“You sure about this, cos once I get near that magical pussy, there ain’t no turning me away,” he growls. His voice is deep and throaty, and he’s warning me that he’s close to losing control. I prop myself up on my elbows. His toned body heaves with his heavy breath as he stares down at me. I let my legs fall apart in answer to his question and he curses under his breath. “You’re gonna get me sent to Hades himself, a one-way ticket straight to his door,” he mutters, crawling onto the bed and kneeling between my legs. He unfastens his jeans and pushes them down his hips. The V of his stomach leads down to an impressive, thick cock that stands proudly and my eyes widen. There’s no fucking way that is gonna fit in me without splitting me apart.

“I’m gonna take it slow. Just say if you want me to stop or go slower,” he says firmly. I nod. This is what I want, but I can’t deny I’m apprehensive about it.

Chains presses his thumb against my sensitive clit and I arch off the bed. The feeling I was chasing just moments ago comes rushing back and I’m suddenly desperate to feel him there again. He braces himself on his hands either side of my head and lines himself at my entrance. “Relax,” he whispers. I feel a pressure there and Chains strains as he tries to control the urge to fuck me hard. The head of his cock stretches me as he pushes in slowly, inch by inch. I grip the sheets in my hands as the pain becomes too much. Chains stops. “Are you okay?” he asks. I nod and a tear leaks from the corner of my eyes. “I can stop,” he says quickly, but I shake my head and force a smile.

“Please don’t,” I whisper. “Just get this part over with.”

Chains lowers his mouth to mine and he kisses me slow. It’s nothing like his earlier kiss. This is sweet and caring, and I relax a little. He begins to move again, pushing in deeper and deeper until

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