Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,19

hisses. I don’t answer because my eyes are drawn to her naked breasts. She realises and grabs the sheet, pulling it over her. “You’re home,” I slur.

“Of course, I’m home,” she snaps. “I was home over an hour ago.”

“You sleep naked,” I add.

“Get the hell out before I shout for help,” she warns.

“Did you do it?” I ask quietly.

Leia takes a calming breath. “That’s none of your business. Get out.”

I take her response to mean yes and my heart sinks. “I would have done it,” I say. “If you’d asked me.” And then I head back to my room.

I try to kick off my boots and almost fall onto Dolly as she sleeps. I laugh and steady myself, finally kicking one boot off and then the other. I pull my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor. My bedroom door opens and Leia stands there in a t-shirt. My cock hardens instantly because it knows that under that shirt, she’s naked. “Oh,” she mutters, her eyes fixed on Dolly. “Never mind.” She turns to leave, but I rush forward and halt her, grabbing her wrist.

“What did you want?” I ask.

“For a second, I lost my mind,” she mutters. She laughs to herself and shakes her head. “What was I thinking,” she adds in a whisper.

“About what?” I ask, desperate to know why she’s here.

“For a minute there, I almost thought you were different. That you liked me.” She scoffs. “You’re the same as the rest of the Kings. As long as there’s pussy in your bed, you don’t care who the hell it is.”

“You’re wrong,” I growl. “I haven’t touched her.”

“Yet,” she mutters. “But she’s in your bed and I’m not naive to think it’s for warmth.”

“I was in your bed last night,” I point out. “I never touched you.”

“Aren’t you a good boy, lying in bed with women and keeping your paws to yourself,” she mutters sarcastically.

I’ve had enough of her mouth, and in my drunken brain, I summarize that there’s only one way to shut this princess the hell up—I kiss her. Hard, forceful, and demanding. My hands grip her hair and I take exactly what I want, walking her back out of my room. The thrill of someone stumbling across us makes my cock strain harder against the denim, and I take her hand and place it there, rubbing it against the bulge, hoping for some kind of relief. When I finally pull back, we’re in her room.

We stare at each other, panting hard. “I can’t have sex with you,” I growl. “I shouldn’t even be here.”

“Then why are you?” she whispers. I stare at her lips, swollen from our kiss.

“I can’t get you out of my head. It’s like you’re haunting me,” I admit.

“Then stop trying to push me away,” she says. Her hands go to the hem of her shirt and I stare wide-eyed. Fuck, I feel like a teenager about to see a woman’s body for the first time. She lifts it and drops it to the floor, and I stare. She’s perfect. “Say something,” she whispers, and I notice her cheeks colour. She’s embarrassed and I’m staring like a jerk.

“Hell, you have no idea how much I’ve thought about this moment,” I mutter. “You’re damn near perfect. I’m so fuckin’ hard for you, I could come in my pants.” I sigh. “But Riggs’ll kill me. He’ll castrate me.”

“Aren’t I worth fighting for?” she asks.

I push her hard against the wall and thrust my tongue into her mouth. “I want you,” I growl. My hands squeeze her ass cheeks and I push my bulge against her stomach. “He’s my president. Doing this would be disrespectful to him. To the club.”

“He doesn’t ever have to know,” she says against my lips.

“He’ll find out. He’s got eyes and ears everywhere.”

Leia hooks a leg around my hip and the heat from her pussy guides my cock there. She rubs herself against me and a moan escapes her lips. It's the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. “Did you fuck nerd boy?” I ask again.

She shakes her head and I feel my shoulders relax. Leia rubs against me again and her cheeks glow with pleasure. “Fuck it.” I groan and begin to move against her, letting her dry hump me. I need her wet and the look on her face tells me she’s dripping. I feel her fingers digging into my shoulder and I grip her hips, halting her. Her tongue darts out and wets her

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