Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,18

yourself that Riggs is letting her date. It’s not your call.” She’s right and she adds a smug smile. Riggs gave his blessing. He doesn’t want her to date anyone from this charter and time away has given him a new perspective.

I step to one side and Rock opens the gate. I watch through narrowed eyes as the nerd gives my girl the cheap bunch of flowers. My girl? Where the hell did that come from?

I stomp back into the clubhouse and almost crash into Dolly, the new club girl. She’s petite with long dark hair and tanned skin. Her sparkling blue eyes stare up at me innocently. I pick her up and she lets out a squeal as I throw her over my shoulder effortlessly and take the stairs two at a time. I get to my room and slam my door closed before placing her back onto her feet. “I need a distraction,” I mutter darkly and she gives me a wicked smile that she’s kept well hidden under those innocent eyes.

“Then you picked the right girl,” she smirks.

I drop onto my bed and prop myself up on my elbows. Dolly hovers over me, taking a firm grip of my jeans and tugging the button open. I keep my eyes fixed on her hands as she makes quick work of releasing me from the confines of the denim. My erection springs free and her small hands grip it. I let my head fall back as she expertly works my cock . I feel the tip of her tongue lick along the underside and I groan aloud, spurring her to take it in her mouth. “Fuuuck,” I hiss when I hit the back of her throat. I look down at her and her eyes flutter open, connecting with my own. There’s nothing hotter than watching a gorgeous woman choking on your cock. I grip a handful of her hair and She hums in delight, the vibration almost causing me to lose it. I close my eyes briefly and I’m greeted by an image of Leia glaring at me with heartbreak all over her face. Shit. What the fuck am I doing? She’s everywhere I turn. I try to relax and focus on the sexy brunette on her knees before me, but it’s too late—I’ve lost it and my cock softens. It’s like the damn thing hates me for not giving it Leia.

Dolly looks up at me, my cock flaccid in her hand. “Get out,” I mutter, sitting up. I reach into my bedside table and pull out a bottle of Jack. I unscrew the lid and take a few gulps of the amber liquid, wincing as it burns my throat.

“You sure? I can stay and see if you want me later,” she purrs.

“Get naked,” I mutter and she smiles delightedly at my offer. She strips naked in seconds and I stare over her perfect body. Her breasts are perky and bouncy. Her pussy is neat and shaven. My cock should be raging hard, but it’s not. The useless fucker.

Dolly climbs onto the bed and lays on her back opposite me. She lets her legs fall apart and runs her hand over her pussy. I take a swig of the Jack, my eyes fixed to her manicured hand as she rubs circles on her swollen clit. Her other hand pinches her nipple and she moans to herself, lost in her own world. I watch as she orgasms. I grab her hand and bring her sticky fingers to my mouth. Maybe her taste will bring me outta this Leia fog I’ve found myself in. I wrap my tongue around her fingers and suck them clean. She tastes good, but I know Leia will taste a million times better. Fuck sake.

When I open my eyes, Dolly is still naked on my bed, but she’s fast asleep. The bottle of Jack hangs loosely in my hand and I note that it’s empty. No wonder my head hurts and my mouth is dry. I get to my feet unsteadily. The clock on my bedside table tells me it’s almost midnight. I don’t even know if Leia got home safe.

I make my way to her room, tripping and banging into the wall a couple of times. I throw open the door to her room and turn the light on. I wince at the brightness and then notice Leia as she sits up in shock, blinking to get adjusted to the light. “What the hell?” she

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