Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,21

I’m so full, I feel like I could tear apart. There’s a sharp pain and I cry out, digging my nails into his back. “That’s the worst bit over,” he whispers against my lips. “You feel fucking amazing, Leia,” he adds. “So tight and perfect.”

He stays like this for a few moments, giving me time to adjust. He flicks his tongue over my nipple and I welcome the warm feeling that evokes in me. He sucks the sensitive flesh into his mouth as he pulls back out of me. Then he turns his attention to the other nipple as he moves inside me again. This time, it doesn’t hurt so bad.

He swirls his tongue around the erect bud, swapping back and forth between the two. I feel wetness between my legs, it’s warm and it’s making his cock slip in and out much easier. The friction he causes with each thrust becomes more pleasure and less pain, and it’s not long before I’m writhing beneath him, chasing something I’ve never experienced from a man before. “Fuck, Leia, this ain’t ever felt so good,” he pants. Beads of sweat line his brow. “I can’t control it much longer, baby. You need to come.”

He tugs on my nipple with his teeth and a warmth washes over me. I feel relaxed yet tense all at the same time, and as the feeling gets stronger, my body stiffens. Chains slams into me harder, hitting the right spot deep inside over and over. I cry out as my body shakes against him uncontrollably. “That’s it, baby . . . that’s it . . . grip my cock,” he pants. “Shit, you’re so tight.” My body melts into the mattress as my trembling subsides, but Chains doesn’t let up. He’s chasing his own release now as he moves faster and harder. He yells my name and stiffens, pushing his cock hard into me and freezing. His jaw tightens and a vein in his neck pulses from the strain. He growls and buries his head into the crook of my neck. “Jesus, that was worth the torture that I’m gonna get in hell,” he groans against my skin.

After a few minutes of him lying between my legs, breathing hard against my neck, he carefully pulls out of me. I wince as the soreness hits and Chains looks down between us. “You need to shower, baby,” he says gently. He takes my hand and pulls me to a sitting position. There’s blood on my white sheets and I cringe. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he says, lifting my chin and staring into my eyes. “What we just did was beautiful. Don’t be ashamed.”

Chains leads me to the bathroom and turns on the walk-in shower. It’s big enough for us both, so he steps in and tugs me under the water. He leans against the tiled wall, watching as I let the water wet my hair. “You’re so beautiful, Leia. Why the hell would you wanna give me something so important?”

“Are you regretting it?” I ask.

“Fuck no,” he says. “I didn’t deserve it though.”

I disagree, but I don’t say that. Instead, I take the soap and begin to wash my body as Chains watches. His cock gets hard again, but he makes no move towards me. I don’t think I could do it again even if I wanted to.

After I’ve cleaned up, we swap places. He washes while I get out and dry off. When he’s done the same, he follows me into the bedroom and helps me change the sheets on my bed. I’ll have to wash these when Mum isn’t around, or maybe even throw them in the trash.

I get into bed and Chains crawls in after me, pulling me against him, my back to his front. His erection presses against my ass, but still he makes no move. He wraps his arms around me and presses his face into my hair. Occasionally, he rubs his hand over my breast and a ripple of pleasure shoots straight to my pussy, but I know there’s no way I can have sex with him again tonight. I’m too sore, but I drift off to sleep feeling sated and happy.

“What the fuck!”

I bolt up in bed, alarmed at the sudden yelling. Chains is sitting up, staring at me with horror. “Did we . . . ” he trails off, glancing back and forth between us. My heart beats rapidly in my chest. He looks so horrified. “Tell me we didn’t,” he groans,

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