A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,84

turned to head to his room.

Jake stopped when Dominic spoke again, his voice even and firm. "I want you to know that what Jonas said was true. I will do everything in my power to protect you from harm, even if it means my life." With that, he turned and disappeared into the night.

Jake stood there for several moments, stunned by Dominic's statement, then went straight to his room, not wanting to disturb Norlan or the family. He found his new pair of boots waiting, as well as his sweats, cleaned and repaired, fine thread sewing up the tears. He sat on his bed for a minute, just holding the sweats, enjoying their familiar feel. With a sigh, he stood and put them under his other clothes, on top of his phone. They were another reminder of home that he could not afford.

After oiling his new boots and taking a quick shower, Jake climbed into bed. He tossed for a while, then fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


At the sound of Norlan's light knock on the doorframe, Jake came awake. He returned Norlan's greeting and got out of bed, feeling surprisingly refreshed. He splashed some water on his face and grabbed some new clothes out of his drawer. As he dressed, he saw Cherise's drawing of him, in a wooden frame, hanging on the wall near the door, something he missed last night. He would have to say something to her this morning. He quickly straightened up his room and headed to the house.

As they ate, Jake told Cherise again how he liked her drawing and thanked her for hanging it on the wall. Jake could see that she glowed from his praise, a wide smile on her face and her eyes sparkling. She excitedly told him that she would make him another; something to go with the first. She ate quickly, grabbed her drawing supplies and went to the table in the front room, the gentle scratching of her pencil reaching the kitchen as the others finished eating. Madalin leaned over to Jake, her hand on his, and whispered. "Thank you, Jake. She seems to want your approval most of all."

As they headed to the smithy, Norlan inquired about Jake's conversation with Jonas about his dream. Jake described him what had happened and what Jonas told him. Norlan seemed pleased that nothing came of it, though he did not say it, only nodding as Jake talked. He was silent for a while, lost in some thought as they walked.

After a while, he reached over to put a hand on Jake's shoulder, then spoke. "As I said before, Jake, I'm a simple blacksmith. I don't have the Jonas' power or Dominic's warrior skills. But, like them, I will do everything I can to see you safe." His honest admission and plain statement touched Jake, making him wonder again why these men would risk themselves for him.

The morning went by quickly as Jake went about his duties around the smithy and sharing some conversation and laughter with Almos and Dern. The two other boys were fascinated with Jake's training with Dominic, asking him to demonstrate what he had been taught. When he told them about his encounter with the princess during a break, he was not sure they would believe him, but that seemed to only increase the awe they had for him and the pleasure that he would share it with them. Jake was pleased by the reaction, glad to have some friends his age.

By the time he was making his way to the training grounds, Jake was feeling pretty good about himself. Keeping a hopeful eye out for another chance encounter with the princess, he kept his pace relaxed as he navigated the courtyard. He took a path to get as close to palace as possible while staying in the general direction he needed to go. He was a bit disappointed when he saw no signs of the princess.

Once he reached the Military District, though, he increased his pace to a slow jog, unsure if he had wasted too much time. Once he passed the guards at the gate, he sped up again, crossing the open training areas at a near run. He was not sure exactly what would happen if he was late, but now familiar with Dominic's indifference to discomfort and pain, he did not relish finding out.

Dominic was waiting for him, as usual, under the shade of the trees. Jake slowed down, trying to catch

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