A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,83

a short knock at the door. Dominic opened it, admitting a novice carrying a tray of food and water. After the novice placed the tray on the table and left, Dominic came over and took the last chair, pouring three cups of water. Jonas took one and sipped it absently, his mind elsewhere. Dominic indicated to Jake to take a plate and eat.

"I see you let the girl heal you." Dominic said quietly as Jake reached over for a plate, his hand bearing no bruises. "You should keep the marks of failure. It will remind you of what you did wrong." He shook his head slightly. "It is done; just don't forget the lesson."

"Well, she kinda did it before I could say anything." Jake said quickly. As soon as he said it, he realized how lame that sounded. "I'm not sure why you wouldn't heal something if you could, but I'll keep what you said in mind." Dominic just shook his head again.

"Don't let Dom make you feel you should do everything his way, Jake." Jonas interjected, clearly ready to talk. He took his plate, but did not eat. He looked over at Dominic, a slight smile forming. "Just because he is stubborn beyond belief about something does not mean it is the best way. I tried toughing out his lessons myself, but I found that a good healing did wonders." He tipped his cup at Dominic, who gave a slight nod back.

"But we are not here to discuss Dom's stubbornness or ideas." Jonas said, his voice turning serious. "After hearing you describe the dream, I share Norlan and Dominic's concerns about the nature of it." Jake was surprised to hear that Dominic was concerned. "It is possible that it was simply a response to all of the stresses and experiences that you have faced in the last week. However, those types of dreams generally fade quickly. There seems to be a deeper meaning to this one. I will have to give it some more thought."

Jonas reached over to lay his hand on Jake's, his face calm, eyes warm. "I don't want you to worry yourself, Jake; it was only a dream, after all. The one thing that we agree is true about the dream is that Dom and I will fight to protect you from whatever may come." Jake glanced over at Dominic, who gave a slight nod. "You are as safe as one can be."

He did not release Jake's hand, but reached over with his other hand for his staff. "I want to test something, Jake. Are you alright with that? I assure you that it will not hurt you." He waited until Jake nodded. "Just relax." Bright yellow light filled the room as Jonas embraced his power. He closed his eyes, face taking on a look of concentration.

Jake felt the now-familiar warmth fill his body. He could feel his tension melt in that gentle heat. Jonas sat still as a stone, not moving, his power slowly pulsing. After another couple of moments, Jonas' power faded and he opened his eyes. He released Jake's hand and sat back, taking a quick drink of his water.

"I was curious about your description of the blue light that surrounded you in your dream." Jonas said, his face calm again. "What I just did was test you to see if you can wield the clerics' power." Jake gave a start, eyes widening.

Jonas quickly held up a hand. "I did not detect the spark, Jake. You will not need to apprentice here as well." Jake was relieved to hear that. Jonas picked up his fork and started eating. "Thank you for indulging an old man's curiosity. Let's eat before the food gets cold."

After they finished eating, Jake sat talking with Jonas and Dominic for a little while, Jonas asking Jake some more questions about his home and getting caught up on how he was doing. After a little while, between the warmth of the room and the food, as well as the comforting presence of his protectors, Jake felt himself getting sleepy.

Dominic, of course, noticed and suggested that Jake should go back to Norlan's and get some rest. Jake was surprised when Dominic said he would escort him there.

After saying goodbye to Jonas, Jake and Dominic made their way to Norlan's. Once they arrived, Dominic turned to Jake. "Go get some rest, boy. We'll need to make up for the lost time today." Jake stifled a groan, wished Dominic a good night and

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