A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,82

a smile, her large brown eyes warm, and came over to speak with him. "Dominic is here. I was asked by Master Jonas to wait for you. He thought you may like to see a friendly face."

Before Jake could reply, she glanced down, a frown forming on her face. She reached over and gently took hold of Jake's injured hand. Jake winced at the renewed pain, in spite of the light pressure of her grip. "How did this happen?" She asked, voice concerned.

"During training with Dominic." Jake replied, marveling at the softness and warmth of her small hand, despite the pain. "I wasn't completely focused and got caught short."

She muttered something under her breath that Jake missed. Before he could ask her what she said, her eyes seemed to intensify their focus and the golden light of her power suddenly shown around her. Jake felt its warmth fill his body and the heat that burst forth from his hands and forearms. The pain disappeared from his hand and, as he watched, fascinated, the bruises faded from sight. Her power winked out, the extra warmth and heat dissipating, leaving Jake feeling refreshed. Smiling, Hailyn held onto his hand for a moment more as she looked at him, her eyes shining, then let go.

"Master Jonas is waiting." Hailyn said, with a little sigh. "We should go."

She turned and led him into the Temple. As they made their way down the main hallway, another cleric came out of a side door. He stopped when he saw Hailyn coming, clearly waiting for them to come to him.

"Hailyn." He said shortly, glancing at Jake and dismissing him. He was an older man, with a pinched face and a slight frame. His face seemed to have a sour expression etched into it permanently. Jake was surprised, since all of the clerics he had met seemed to be pretty happy. He did not think this man ever smiled. "I need you to come to the healing room as soon as you are done."

"Of course, Brother Kansic." Hailyn replied with a little bow. Without another word, Kansic turned on his heel and walked back the way he came.

"What's his problem?" Jake asked as they continued walking.

"Who?" Hailyn asked, a confused frown on her face. When Jake pointed back the way they came, she smiled. "You mean Brother Kansic? That is how he is all the time."

"He's a funny choice for a cleric, if he is always running around like that." Jake said. "He doesn't seem too friendly."

"Brother Kansic appears a stern man, but he is actually a great teacher with the children." Hailyn replied quietly, glancing around. "He was selected for the clerics as a young man when the spark was detected. He was excited by the prospect and being selected was a great honor for his family." Her voice became even quieter. "But after he began the training, it turned out that while he can call up a cleric's power, he can only wield a small amount. He can barely heal minor injuries. He was heartbroken by this and that hurt continues to this day. However, once you get past his defensiveness, he is really a gentle man."

They made their way to Jonas' quarters quickly. Hailyn lightly knocked on the door, which opened after a few moments. Jonas answered the door, a welcoming expression on his face when he saw Jake. He looked over to Hailyn. "Thank you, Hailyn. Please excuse us. I am sure you have some other duties to attend to this evening." Hailyn gave him a small bow, giving Jake a wink as she turned and headed back towards the Temple.

"Come in, Jake." Jonas said, stepping aside to let him in. Jake came into room and immediately saw Dominic standing next to the small fireplace. Jonas directed him to the table, where his staff rested against the wall, and had him take a seat. Jonas sat down next to him. "Some food will be brought shortly, but Dom has mentioned your dream, so why don't you tell me about it in your own words."

Jake told Jonas about the dream, the strong feelings it generated and the fact that it stuck with him throughout the day. Jonas listened patiently, asking some questions as Jake went along. He had Jake repeat the words the voice said to him several times. After Jake finished, the room faded into silence as Jonas sat still for a couple of minutes, musing over what he heard.

The silence was interrupted by

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