A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,85

his breath, as he walked towards Dominic. Dominic cocked an eyebrow as he watched Jake approach, a slight smile on his face. "Are you being chased by someone, boy?" He asked sarcastically.

"No." Jake replied shortly, trying to breathe slow and steady. "I lost track of time and didn't want to be late."

"I'm glad you don't want to waste my time." Dominic said, the smile fading. "Look at it this way; at least you have warmed up for training.

Only allowing enough time for Jake to catch his breath, Dominic did his inspection and set Jake to training. The day went as the others had gone before, so shortly Jake was trying to ignore the bruises and pain that Dominic's practice sword was inflicting on his hands and forearms. He resolved not to drop his sword this time, no matter what. By the end of the training session, Jake's arms felt rubbery, swollen, tired and sore.

When Dominic called a halt to the day's training and took the practice swords, Jake headed over to the post to retrieve his sword. He was surprised to see Hailyn standing under the trees. So caught up in trying to avoid Dominic's sword, Jake had not noticed her arriving. He belted on his sword and headed over to see her, but Dominic was already next to her, speaking quietly.

"The boy does not need healing, girl." Jake heard Dominic growl as he got close. "You can tell Jonas I said so."

"That is a decision for Jake, not you, Dominic." Hailyn replied, voice soft and steady. She was one of only a handful of people that Jake had seen that did not seem to be intimidated by Dominic. "Just because you forgo healing does not mean others should."

"I'm not saying that he shouldn't be healed if there is something serious, but he needs to learn to endure and continue fighting even while wounded and in pain." Dominic replied, his voice even, but tinged with a touch of anger. "These minor training aches are nothing compared to what he may face outside these walls. You saw how he was when he arrived. That was but a taste of what our enemies will inflict."

Hailyn did not seem moved by Dominic's reasoning, but Jake arrived before she could respond. She turned to warmly greet him, a smile on her face. She asked how he was feeling, her gaze taking in the new bruises.

"Would you like me to heal that, Jake?" Hailyn asked, pointing at his hands.

Jake glanced over at Dominic, but he had simply folded his arms across his chest, clearly allowing Jake to make the decision, though stark disapproval shone in his eyes. As much as he would have liked to get rid of the dull, throbbing pain in his hands, Jake decided that he wanted Dominic's approval more, especially after what Dominic said last night.

"No, thank you, Hailyn." Jake replied. "I'm fine. It looks worse than it feels." Hailyn gave him a look like she knew he was lying, but did not say anything.

"I'm glad that is settled." Dominic said, unfolding his arms. He did not say anything, of course, but Jake thought he saw some approval in Dominic's face at his decision.

Dominic motioned in the direction of the stables. "Go take care of the horses, boy. Tomorrow, we will have a short session and you will report to Armartas for horsemanship training. Going forward, every third day will be the same." He glanced over at Hailyn, his scarred face taking on a sly cast. "If the girl really wants to be of assistance, she can help you muck the stalls." Giving Hailyn a slight mocking bow, he turned and strode off towards the main training ground.

"You don't have to act like him, even if you are his apprentice, Jake." Hailyn said quietly, once Dominic was out of earshot. Jake could see some concern for him in her face. "Dominic is a warrior and has been on his own for many years. Despite his close friendship with Jonas, I think he has forgotten how normal people act. There is nothing wrong with being healed." She looked over at Jake expectedly.

"Thanks for the concern, Hailyn." Jake said. "I understand your point, but I really want to stay on Dominic's good side. I can deal with a little discomfort to do that."

Frowning, Hailyn muttered something under her breath. Jake only caught the words "men" and "stubbornness". Jake was afraid he had upset her, but when she spoke, she said. "I will accept

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