A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,63

the parks and open areas, some of the people in the area pointing at them when they recognized Dominic. After about five minutes, Jake could see a very wide paved road on their left. He asked Dominic about it.

"That's the road that leads to the East Gate." Dominic replied.

After they passed that road, Jake started to see more soldiers mixed in with the people going about their business. The buildings ahead all had a similar look to them. When he mentioned it, Dominic gave a short snort. "It's not called the Military Quarter for nothing, boy. The mindset of the military is uniformity; that extends to their architecture. While there are non-military buildings in the Quarter, most of the ones around the training grounds were built by the army, so they all look alike."

Passing by several groups of soldiers who called out to him, Dominic led Jake to a large street that cut through the buildings. As soon as they got to the street, Jake could see that the street ended after a couple of blocks at a large open field surrounded by a wooden split rail fence. Inside the fence, Jake could see several groups of soldiers, some marching in formation while others were practicing with their weapons. In the background, he saw small groups of soldiers on horseback riding around. Behind the field, several long buildings, each a couple of stories tall and similar in appearance, formed a backdrop to the training area. As they reached the fence, Jake could see that it extended for at least a quarter mile.

"This is the training grounds." Dominic said as he made his way to an open gate on the side of the grounds, a couple of soldiers standing guard. They gave Dominic a salute as he entered, Jake right behind. "I will speak with the commander to make sure the guards on duty know you will be coming here daily for training. I will expect you to be here, ready for training, an hour after the mid-day meal."

Dominic continued on towards the far building. As they got closer, Jake could smell the scents of horses, hay and manure; it was obviously the stables. In the center of the building, a set of large double doors lay open. Dominic headed straight for those doors. The stable smells hit Jake as he entered, much stronger than outside. He could hear the whinnying of the horses and the conversations of the stable hands. Several of the hands called out a greeting to Dominic when they saw him, Dominic returning the greeting to those close to him.

The stables had a large open area in the middle, with another set of doors on the far side to match the one they came in, the floor covered in a light coating of straw. There were several rooms lining the open area, some filled with saddles and bridles, others weapons and a couple of administrative rooms with desks manned by soldiers. Dominic led Jake over to one of the administrative rooms.

Sitting behind the desk as a lean, clean-shaven man with long dark hair, face angular and hard, dressed in black leather clothing, gloves and boots, with a mail shirt over his clothing. He had a sword belted on and a golden rearing horse symbol pinned to his mail. He looked up as Dominic entered, a smile crossing his hard face. "Good afternoon, Dominic. Are you heading out already?" He asked, voice gravelly.

"No, Armartas. I'm just here to check on and wash Shadow." Dominic replied. He gestured towards Jake. "This is the boy I was telling you about. His name is Jake. He will be training with me every day, but I will carve out some time for him to work with you."

Dominic turned to Jake. "Boy, this is Captain Armartas. He is the stable master for the King. He is also one of the best riders and horsemen I have ever seen. Since I believe that you will be spending some time in the saddle, I have arranged for the Captain to help teach you riding."

Armartas rose and shook Jake's hand, eyes appraising. "Welcome, young Jake. I will do my best to help you keep up with Dominic."

"Thank you, Captain." Jake replied.

"Let's go meet your new companion." Armartas said, walking around the desk, a slight limp noticeable in his step. He led Jake and Dominic down the center opening to long hallway that cut across the building and ended with a large door that opened to the

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