A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,64

outside. Jake could see a line of stable doors, some with horse heads sticking out. Jake looked into a stable and could see that it extended to the back wall of the building, with another stable door that gave access to the outside.

They walked down the hallway and Armartas stopped at a stable almost to the outside door. In the stable was a large tan horse, who nickered and came to the open top half of the stable door when it saw the group stop, sticking its head into the hallway. Armartas reached out to gently rub the horse's cheek.

Armartas turned his head to Jake. "Jake, this is Dontas, your horse. As part of my agreement with Dominic, I will teach you how to care for him. Come over and greet him."

Jake came over and reached out to Dontas. The horse shied away at first, but then came back to Jake's hand. Jake copied the Captain and rubbed the horse's cheek, the horse giving a little snort. "So he's mine?" Jake asked, not quite believing that this was happening.

"Yes; he is also your responsibility." Dominic said, looking at the horse with an appraising eye. "You will have to make sure he is fed, watered and brushed. That will have to happen after your training." He turned back to Armartas. "Thank you, Armartas. He is a fine animal. I knew I could trust your judgment."

"It is my pleasure, Dominic." Armartas replied. "I need to get back. I will leave you to your purpose." He turned to Jake, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Jake, it was nice meeting you. We will have plenty of time to get to know one another." With that, he headed back down the hallway.

Dominic allowed Jake another few moments to stroke Dontas' face, then said. "We have things to do, boy. You will get to spend more time with your horse later. Let's go." Dominic strode towards the open door. Jake gave Dontas a final pat, then followed Dominic.

Dominic went to the rear of the building, where several corrals were located. Off to the side of the corrals was a small stone building with a tile roof. It had a single wooden door and a window on either side of the door. Dominic went to the building, taking a key from a pouch and unlocking the door. He went inside and Jake followed. The building consisted of a single room with a cot against the wall, a small desk and chair, a wardrobe and a small metal stove in the corner. Dominic unbuckled his sword and dagger and hung the belt from a peg on the wall. He undid the bindings on his breastplate and removed it, setting it against the wall under his sword. He sat on the cot to remove his vambraces and greaves.

Jake looked over at Dominic. "Is this your place?"

"When I am in the city." Dominic replied, finishing removing his armor and stacking it next to his breastplate. "Armartas is gracious enough to let me keep my things here. He seems to feel he owes me something."

Dominic looked over at Jake. "Did you notice his limp?" Jake nodded. "He got that wound during a battle we fought out west. He took an arrow in the knee and went down. I pulled him out, but we did not have a cleric with us. The medic patched him up, but he could not stand. So I put him up on a horse, which is where he should be. By the time the battle was over, the damage was done and even after healing, he had that limp. After we got back, I recommended that he work at the stable. With him teaching riding to the young soldiers, the kingdom is better off because of it." Dominic smiled briefly. "Don't be fooled by that limp. On a horse, Armartas is as deadly as anyone I know."

Dominic directed Jake out of his room. Dominic locked the door and headed back towards the stables. "Stay here, boy." He told Jake at the back entrance. Dominic disappeared into the stables, returning in a couple of minutes with Shadow. Jake followed as Dominic led Shadow past the corrals to an open stone-paved area with several tie-off posts next to large tubs of water, wooden barrels and coarse-hair brushes. As Dominic tied Shadow to the nearest post, Jake saw a metal pail stacked on the tub of water. Dominic stripped off his shirt, indicating that Jake should do the

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