A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,62

to pet him. "I am glad that you and Maxis have met. He likes you, it appears."

"I am also glad to see you, Jake." Jonas said, coming over and laying a hand on Jake's shoulder. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Hailyn checked me out this morning." Jake replied.

"I'm glad to hear that." Jonas planted his staff, leaning on it slightly. "We were actually just discussing you." He indicated Norlan and Dominic with a nod. "The three of us are responsible for you while you are with us. We want to give you some purpose while we figure out why you are here and how to get you back home. As I mentioned, even if Tomaris can help, it may be weeks before we hear back from him. However, we don't believe that a young man like you should just be sitting around waiting."

"We think that we have come up with a good plan for you. Starting tomorrow, Norlan has agreed to bring you here in the mornings, allowing you to assist him and be around boys your age. In the afternoon, you'll train in combat with Dominic." Jonas gave a shake of his head, clearly not happy about that. "I would like to believe that we can keep you protected, but Dom has made a good point that our enemies took an unusual interest in you. You should have the training to defend yourself."

"Of course, I'll always be available to you, if you need anything." Jonas finished. He held out his hand. "Does this sound like something you can agree to, Jake?"

Jake was taken back for a second, not having giving much thought to a long-term plan. He did not see how he could refuse, given everything these men had done for him. He took Jonas' hand and shook it. "That sounds fine, Jonas. Thank you for your help."

"It is our pleasure." Jonas said. "Now, I need to get back to the Temple." He turned to Hailyn. "Hailyn, please see Cherise and her dog back home, then come back to the Temple."

"Of course, Master." Hailyn said with a nod.

"You go with Hailyn and take this idiot dog with you." Norlan said good-naturedly to Cherise, nudging Maxis away with his knee. "Tell your mother that we will be home for the evening meal." He gave his daughter a quick hug.

"I will, Father." Cherise said, a bit crestfallen that the little adventure was over. She looked over to Jake. "I guess I'll see you this evening, Jake. Have fun."

Jake watched Hailyn and Cherise leave with Maxis out the side gate, following Jonas. Norlan came up to him. "Dominic needs you for a while, Jake. I'll see you this evening." He gave Jake a pat on the shoulder and headed back into the smithy, calling for Helman.

"Let's go, boy." Dominic said, turning and heading for the gate. Jake caught up with him and walked by his side.

"Where are we going?" Jake asked.

"To the Military Quarter." Dominic answered, his long legs setting a quick pace. "You can help me wash Shadow at the stables, then we'll get you some armor and a sword for your training. Remember the way we are going, so you can find your way back."


Jake and Dominic reached the street, the sounds of the smithy fading in the background. Without many people in the way, Jake could see Hailyn, Cherise and Maxis ahead of them as they turned right onto the street, the palace looming in the background.

Dominic's pace allowed himself and Jake to quickly overtake the three of them. He did not slow down, so Jake could only smile and shrug his shoulders as they passed by Hailyn and Cherise, talking quietly, Maxis giving a short bark.

They left the girls behind, heading straight towards the palace. The neighborhood was made up of homes with fairly large yards. It was after they had passed several side streets when Jake realized that the wall ahead was the side of Norlan's house. Dominic turned to Jake as they passed the gate that led into the side yard. "You can see that it is a quick walk to Norlan's smithy." He indicted the street. "This is the main thoroughfare for the River Quarter that leads to the central courtyards around the palace. To help you from getting lost, just remember that all large streets in the city lead to the palace."

They continued for several more blocks until they reached the palace courtyards. Dominic turned south and led Jake through

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