A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,43

many ways, ours was an odd friendship. Dom was tall, a natural athlete, strong and fast, and always fearless; I was smaller, not quite so graceful, and cautious." His smile turned rueful. "That has not changed much over the years."

"Once we were about your age, Dom convinced me to go with him to join the army. We came here to the capital and enlisted." Jonas chuckled, recalling. "I must admit, Dom was in his element. He was a natural. He took to swordplay and combat as if he had always done it. Our instructors were amazed at how fast he picked things up and his battle prowess. Needless to say, he quickly rose through the ranks."

"If you joined the army together, how is it that you are now a cleric?" Jake asked, recalling Dominic's comments about apprentices.

"Jake, I was, at best, an average solider. I became adequate with a blade, but it was clear that I would have to find another occupation once my enlistment was up." Jonas replied, with a little shake of his head. "As with all things, events do not always follow expectations. For me, that meant I would not need to wait until my enlistment ended."

"Our officers knew of our friendship, so Dom and I were placed in the same unit after training and, shortly thereafter, were sent to the western border to guard against raiders." Jonas paused, a look of sadness passing across his face, eyes haunted. "We were deployed to defend a remote border outpost. Three days after we arrived, we were attacked in force by raiders from the Inland Sea. Surprising us by advancing in the night, their forces surrounded our position. We were just able to get a messenger away to gather reinforcements from nearby posts, since we were outnumbered at least three-to-one. We dug in, as we knew it would take at least two days or more for help to arrive. Sadly, after a couple of days of hard fighting, they were able to breach our defenses. Let me just say that I am glad Dom was there with me."

Jonas leaned forward, his face grave. "When they breached on the morning of the third day, it looked like that would be the end of us. It was horrible, Jake. Men were dying all around us, friends of ours. I was standing next to Dom on the wall, fighting at his side, when I was struck by a couple arrows. One took me in the leg, causing me to fall, the other through my side. Tried as I could, the leg would not work and I could not rise. I said my prayers, figuring my time was done."

"What I had not counted on was Dom. He stood over me, fighting our enemies, for hours; he was like a man possessed. I have never seen the like; anyone that came close enough to him simply died. When our reinforcements arrived and drove off the raiders that afternoon, they found us on the wall, a pile of dead raiders around us. Dom was still standing, though he was wounded, his sword notched and armor scored from many blows. He kept me alive that whole time."

Jonas was quiet for a moment, lost in his memories. He gave a little shake and a faint smile returned. "Dom would not leave me until he was sure that the clerics had healed me." He said softly, then looked directly at Jake. "As to your question, it was in that healing that the clerics detected the spark. By that I mean, they could tell that I had the ability to wield their power. It is not a common gift, and healers are held in high regard, so I was released from the army and found myself sent back to the capital to become an apprentice cleric."

"Is that why you have that staff? For your leg wound?" Jake asked, realizing too late that the question may be too personal.

Jonas smiled, clearly not offended. "No, Jake. When I was healed, it was complete. My leg was as good as new. I got the staff after I became Chief Cleric."

"So, it is the Chief Cleric's staff, like a badge of office?" Jake responded.

Jonas shook his head. "It may become that, but I am its first holder. It was given to me personally by its creator."

Jonas paused to take a drink of water, then continued. "After I passed my tests as an apprentice, I devoted my time to researching the healing arts. While

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