A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,42

mean, how does it work?"

"That is not an easy question." Jonas replied, pausing to think. "I will try to explain it this way: We believe that it is a gift from the One to help us serve the people. The old writings say that, in some way, we are able to tap into the Light of His power. Besides the ability to heal, it shields us from the power of our enemies, the demons and their followers."

"Demons?!" Jake asked incredulously, sitting up straight, not believing what he was hearing. "You mean you actually believe that demons exist?"

"We do not believe that they exist, Jake; we know." Jonas said, face serious. "We are told that these creatures were once servants of the One, in a time before all things were made, but that they were shut away from the Light for rebelling against the One. They were banished into the Darkness, evil spirits twisted by hate and envy."

"That sounds like the story where I come from." Jake interrupted, remembering his Sunday school lessons at church.

"The histories also tell us that around a thousand years ago, the demons first appeared in this world. When I say appeared, I mean that they have physical form and are present in this world. How they came here, it does not tell."

"I'm not sure I can believe that." Jake said quietly, his mind trying to wrap itself around what he was hearing.

"Whether you believe it or not, Jake, they do exist. I pray you never meet one." Jonas paused for a moment. "You have already encountered their followers. You had asked why Dom called those men who had captured you 'half-men'. That is the name we give the servants of the demons. Did you notice a certain wildness about them? That they seem to enjoy cruelty, hatred and envy?" Jake nodded, shuddering, remembering that crazed look and his treatment at the hands of Surt and the rest.

"The reason for that is they have allowed the demons to corrupt them. In a way I do not understand, when these men commit themselves to the demons, part of the demons' power goes into them. What the demons receive from this exchange, we do not know. The men gain extra strength, but lose themselves. They act on their base impulses without thought or concern for others. They are savage in battle, delighting in killing. As such, we believe that they are now only half a man, the other half demon. Thus, 'half-man'."

"Have any ever changed sides?" Jake asked, thinking about Matus protecting him from Surt. "Can they be cured?"

"No." Jonas said sadly. "Once they allow the demons' power to go into them, they are forever corrupted. Some of our writings tell of efforts by clerics to cure these half-men, but every attempt failed. To use our power on them, like Hailyn did for you, only destroys them."

"Why is that?" Jake asked. "I mean, they are still human after all."

"I believe that is because the power we wield is in opposition to the demons'. The demons' power worms its way into every fiber of the half-men. When we try and cure it, the powers conflict and that destroys the half-men."

Jake thought about that for a moment, then asked, curious. "Have you ever seen a demon?"

"Yes, Jake. All clerics who can wield power have gone out with our soldiers, both for healing and to protect them from the demons. Ordinary soldiers cannot stand against their might without our help. As I said, our power is in opposition to theirs. So, yes, I have faced demons before." Jonas's face was grim. "They are horrible things. You can feel the evil radiating from them. As I said, I pray that you never meet one."

"I'll take your word on that." Jake said, grabbing his cup and sipping at his water.

They sat in silence for a minute, Jonas relaxed and patient, as Jake tried sort through everything that he had heard. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire and the faint sounds of conversation out in the garden.

"Will you tell me about Dominic?" Jake asked, changing the subject away from demons. "I know that you are friends. He is clearly someone famous. The guard at the gate called him 'Sir Dominic'."

"That is an easy enough question, Jake." Jonas replied, a smile returning to his face. "You are correct; Dom and I have been friends since we were children. We grew up in a small village to the north, along the Blue River. In

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