A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,44

our power is very strong for healing, it does have its limits. We cannot stop aging, heal death and some conditions resist us. Besides trying to discover ways to increase the effectiveness of our power, I looked for alternatives when healing clerics are not around. That is how I was able to create Dom's potion for healing."

Jonas gave a heavy sigh. "After I became Chief Cleric, my research took a personal turn. My wife became very ill and healing could not wholly cure her."

"You're married?" Jake interrupted, surprised.

"I was, Jake." Jonas said, smiling sadly. "I met my wife shortly after I passed my tests. After a year-long courtship, we were married. It was a happy time for me; we were very much in love." He paused, voice catching.

He cleared his throat. "As I was saying, she became ill and I could not find anything in our books to help. Desperate, I traveled to the fortress of Tomaris, a scholar and magic user. He is a strange old man who wields a power I do not understand. However, he has the most extensive library I know of. It was while I was there, desperately trying to find a cure, that he gave this staff to me. It strengthens and focuses my power, greatly increasing the amount I can wield. I rushed home, confident that with it I could save my wife. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the other clerics, she had passed away two days before I returned."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jake said softly, feeling terrible about his question now.

"There is nothing to apologize for, young Jake. I have had many years to reconcile myself with the loss. Our teachings say, and I believe, that I will see her again after I pass from this life." Jonas smiled again, humor returning. "She was a strong and patient woman. She would scold me if it appeared that I rushed to her side."

He changed subjects. "But your question was about Dominic, not me. After his performance at the battle, Dom was promoted and given a choice of assignments. I think because I was here, he chose to come back to the capital and join the Royal Guards, the personal soldiers of the King. His story was widely known and he became very popular with the nobles and the people."

Jonas smiled fondly. "Looking at him now, you may not believe it, but Dom was considered by the ladies as the catch of the kingdom back then. He was handsome, witty, heroic and, of course, single. The ladies, at court and in the city, pursued him and I think he enjoyed the chase."

"However, his first love was being a soldier. He rose rapidly in the ranks of the Royal Guard, becoming an officer and, eventually, the youngest commander ever. He was allowed by the King, from time to time, to join the regular army on missions and in battle. It is not simply a friend's pride that allows me to say that he was the best soldier the kingdom had. He was always in the thick of the fighting, with the regular soldiers, never hiding behind his command. As such, he gained the loyalty of the army. It was in recognition of this, that the King knighted him and made him Commander of the Army, as well as Commander of the Royal Guard. He was loved by the people and feared by our enemies."

"Wow, so what happened?" Jake asked, fascinated. "He said he gave up that title years ago."

"That is Dom's story to tell, Jake." Jonas said, suddenly cautious. "I would advise you not to press him about it; he does not like to discuss it. I will only say that he and the King became at odds and Dom was released from his obligations and command. Since that time, he has dedicated himself to clearing the kingdom of the half-men." He paused for a moment. "Jake, even though he no longer serves the Crown, he retained the loyalty and affection of the people. His lonely fight against the half-men and demons has only increased their regard. That is why you see the reaction people have to him."

"Ok." Jake said, wanting to know more about Dominic, but seeing that Jonas would not give any more details. "Maybe we can discuss where I am. All I know is that I am not on my world."

"That is easy enough." Jonas said, rising from his chair and going to a bookshelf. He rummaged through some scrolls

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