A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,39

led to an entryway with a wooden door. Jonas opened the door and they stepped outside into a garden. Jake could see several apprentices moving through the garden, lighting pathway torches in the evening air. Jonas led them down a pathway that ended at a small stone building. Up a couple of small steps was a plain wooden door. Jonas opened the door and went in.

When Jake stepped inside, he saw that he was in a living room. There was a small fire burning in the fireplace, with several braces of candles lit to give the room light. A couple of chairs were set in front of the fireplace, with a small table with three chairs set against the opposite wall. The walls were unadorned, with several wooden bookshelves scattered around the room, books and scrolls stacked neatly in them. On the far wall, another door was open, candles lighting the room beyond. Jake could see that there was a desk and chair, as well as a single bed against the back wall.

"Please sit down." Jonas said to Jake, gesturing to the table. "Hailyn should be here shortly."

Jake went to the table and pulled out one of the chairs and sat down gingerly, the short walk having revived his saddle soreness. Jonas gave him a knowing smile.

"I see that Dom is still not the easiest to travel with. I was going to wait for Hailyn, but maybe I should see to your injuries…" He cut off as a knock sounded on the outside door. "Good. That's probably her."

Jonas opened the door and a young woman in a white robe entered, carrying a tray with two bowls and cups, a pitcher and a loaf of bread. She was short and petite, only standing around five three with a pretty face, large brown eyes, a slender nose and full lips. Her dark hair, shoulder length with long curls, framed her slightly tanned face. She came over and set the tray down on the table.

"Jake, this is Hailyn, a senior apprentice." Jonas said in the way of introduction. "Hailyn, this is Jake, a guest and stranger to the city. Please see to his injuries while Dom and I speak privately." He gave Jake a reassuring pat on his shoulder as he turned and went through the door into the other room, Dominic following.

"Can I take this cloak off?" Jake asked. Dominic nodded as he closed the door behind him.


"What is this about, Dom?" Jonas asked as the door closed.

"I think this is the boy Mirtin spoke of." Dominic replied directly.

Jonas gave a start. Mirtin had been Jonas' predecessor as Chief Cleric. He had been an active man, beloved by the clerics, and lived a long, full life, fading only at the end. It had been over ten years ago when he had been slowly dying, unconscious for the last week of his life, the other clerics unable to revive him.

Jonas had been watching over him, trying to keep him comfortable when Dominic had returned from one of his hunting expeditions. They had stepped away from the bed and were talking quietly when Mirtin suddenly sat up, startling them, his eyes open and lucid. He looked over at Jonas, meeting his eyes.

"I was visited by a Messenger of the One." Mirtin said, voice soft, but clear. "A day may come when a boy, almost a man, appears. You will know him as a stranger and he will be pursued by our enemies. If this day comes, you both..." pointing first at Jonas, then at Dominic "...must do everything to guide and protect him. He must be allowed to fulfill his destiny, for it is something that is greatly desired. Do not fail in this." He finished, voice fading, then gave a shudder, his eyes closing and, with a long sigh, fell back on the bed.

Jonas had rushed to his side, but Mirtin was already dead, a slight, contented smile on his face.

"Tell me why you think this is that boy." Jonas said to Dominic.


After the door closed, Jake rose and undid the cloak. He folded it over one of the chairs in front to the fireplace and sat back down. He saw Hailyn studying his torn and dirty sweats, making him feel a bit self-conscious.

Hailyn gave him a smile, took one of chairs at the table and moved it in front of Jake. She sat down, their knees nearly touching. This close, Jake could see that her irises had unusual golden flakes mixed in

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