A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,40

with the brown. "I would like to look to your injuries, if you would let me."

She reached out to touch Jake's face when he nodded. She turned his face, looking at the bruises and cut lip. Her hands tightened on his face as she closed her eyes. "Please relax, Jake. I will not hurt you."

Jake watched her, her eyes closed, face showing concentration. He was wondering what she was doing when, suddenly, a golden nimbus shone around her. Jake tried to pull back, but she held his face tight. "Don't be afraid, Jake." She said softly, eye still closed.

Jake, pride stung a bit by the suggestion of fear, tried to relax, his mind still racing. From his face, he could feel a sensation of warmth spreading throughout his body. He was focused on that sensation when the light around Hailyn flared and the warmth turned hot at the areas of his injuries. It startled him, but it was not painful. It only lasted for a moment or two, then the light faded and Hailyn sat back, opening her eyes, face calm.

Jake noticed that his pain was gone. He pulled up his sweatshirt and looked down at his ribs. To his shock, the bruises were completely gone. He reached up and ran a finger across his lips, finding only unbroken skin. He could not see his face, but he was sure that those bruises were gone as well.

"What did you just do?" He asked incredulously, noticing his hand shaking slightly.

"I healed you." Hailyn said, looking perplexed. "I know that you are a stranger here, but surely you have seen a cleric perform healing before?"

Jake took a deep calming breath and shook his head. "Where I come from, there are no clerics. Well, there are clerics, but they do not heal people like that. How did you do it?"

Hailyn tilted her head slightly and gave Jake a smile, her brown eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Truly, you have never seen healing? You are a strange boy, Jake." She started to say something, then gave a little shake of her head. "Your question is probably better answered by my Master. He will have a better understanding of how to assist you."

She reached out to the tray on the table and pushed a bowl and spoon over to him. "You should eat. Your body will need the strength after receiving healing."

Jake nodded slowly, still bewildered by what just happened. He took a spoonful of the stew in the bowl and gave it a quick sniff, finding a slight spicy smell. He saw that there were chunks of meat mixed with chopped vegetables in a brown broth. He tasted it and found it delicious. He began to spoon it in, as Hailyn tore the bread into pieces for him to dip. He didn't realized how hungry he was until he finished the bowl. Despite the food he just ate, his stomach gave a loud growl, causing him to flush slightly as he was sure that Hailyn heard it.

"Here, Jake." She said, sliding the other bowl to him. "Go ahead and eat. There is plenty; I can get Dominic another bowl." She filled a cup for him and sat back.

Jake ate slower this time, conscious of Hailyn watching him. He glanced at her from time to time and she would give him a reassuring smile every time, her brown eyes curious. He finished the bowl and leaned back in his chair.

"How old are you, Jake?" She asked suddenly.

"I'll turn eighteen near the end of next month." Jake replied, struck by a sudden thought that they could tell time differently here. "Eighteen years old. Do you use years here as well?"

"Yes, we use years." Hailyn replied, her eyebrows scrunching, confused. "There are three hundred and sixty days per year."

"That's about the same as ours." Jake said, relieved to have something he could understand. "How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen." Hailyn said.

"Really? That's cool. So, how long have you been an apprentice?" Jake asked, delighted to be able to talk with someone his age.

Before Hailyn could answer, the far door opened and Dominic and Jonas came back in the room.

Dominic strode over to the table, saw the empty bowls and grabbed the remaining bread. He gave Jake a look and a shake of his head. "Thanks for leaving me some, boy." He said sarcastically. He held up a hand as Jake started to protest. "No harm done."

He moved away from the table and went to the outside door, turning his

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