A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,38

one of the clerics and asked for Jonas. The cleric nodded and called for one of the white-robed persons to come over. As the person approached, Jake saw that he was a teenager about his own age, maybe a bit younger. The cleric told him to find Jonas and the teenager gave a quick bow, turned and hurried off through a door at the end of the room.

"Apprentice clerics." Dominic leaned over and whispered to Jake, identifying the significance of the white robes. He raised his voice to a normal volume. "Most boys your age have been apprenticed for at least a couple of years. Those that can't be soldiers or craftsmen become clerics."

The cleric smiled at that and led Dominic and Jake over to an empty table. He left them and had another apprentice bring over a tray with a pitcher of water and cups. Dominic poured himself a cup and pushed the tray over to Jake.

"You can lower the hood now." Dominic said, as he looked across the table at Jake. "You are safe enough here."

Jake happily pulled the hood down, enjoying the cool air around his head. He started to take off the cloak, but Dominic stopped him.

"Not just yet. Wait a bit longer until Jonas has heard your tale." He said, glancing at the door at the end of the room. "I have been away for a while, so he will know more of the mood of the city." Dominic drained his cup, set it down on the table and settled back into his chair.

Jake sat there sipping his water, aware of some of the clerics looking at him. They had a look of concern on their faces; he realized that they were looking at his bruised and battered face. A couple of clerics started towards him, clearly seeking to help, but the cleric that helped them waved them off.

They sat there for a few minutes, quiet, the gentle murmur of the conversations of the clerics surrounding them. Dominic suddenly straightened as the door at the end of the room opened, the white robed apprentice coming through followed by a cleric in brown robes.

Jake could see that this cleric was a robust man about his height. His face was tan, his head shaved bald and his short beard dark with some streaks of grey. His eyes were also dark, set under thick eyebrows. As he got closer, Jake could see that he had a friendly look about him. His face was welcoming; eyes warm, with fine laugh lines at the corners of his eyes. He looked as if he smiled and laughed a lot. Unlike the other clerics, he carried a wooden staff about six feet tall, rune carved and capped in sliver. He was not limping, so Jake was not sure why he was carrying it.

Dominic rose as the cleric got closer. The cleric came up, a large smile on his face, and embraced Dominic. When Dominic returned the embrace, Jake knew this had to be Jonas.

"Ahh, my friend, I'm glad to see you are still in one piece." Jonas said, stepping back. His voice had a soothing quality, it seemed to Jake. "You have to send messages when you are out hunting to let me know you are still alive. I have worried about you since you have been gone so long."

"You worry like an old woman, Jonas." Dominic replied. "If you are that concerned, you could always leave this and join me, so you can mother me all the time."

Jonas chuckled at that, giving Dominic a good-natured slap on the arm. "I would just slow you down, like when we were children." He turned to Jake, a curious look on his face. "And who do we have here?"

"His name is Jake." Dominic said quietly, looking around and nodding at the other clerics. "It would be better to discuss this in private first, Jonas."

"If you think it's best, Dom." Jonas said. He turned back to the apprentice, who was waiting beside him. "Go find Hailyn and have her come to my quarters. Please tell her to bring some food for my guests when she comes."

"Yes, Master." The apprentice gave a slight bow and hurried off.

Jonas turned to Jake. "Come, young Jake. I apologize for the unseemly welcome, but food will be brought for you while Dom and I talk."

Jake stood up and followed as Jonas and Dominic headed to the hallway door. They turned right and went through one of the openings. The opening

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