A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,152

him." The hall went silent and all eyes looked up to the throne.

Alleon stood there, staring at Dominic, stunned as they all were. Jake reached for his sword, but Jonas grabbed his hand. "Don't make this worse." He said firmly.

He strode over to Dominic. "Put that away, Dom." He demanded. Dominic and Jonas traded looks, then, with a nod, Dominic sheathed his sword.

Stepping back in front of the group, Jonas stabbed his staff down, the silver cap ringing on the polished stone floor, golden light shining brightly as his embraced his power. "I have heard much from you, Lord Genela, but I have not heard anything from the king." He said, voice even. "I want to hear what he has to say."

"Until His Majesty and I come to an understanding, I place the boy under the protection of the Temple." Jonas announced, staring grimly at Genela. "To try to seize him will mean that you seek to violate the Agreement and I will have to take steps to defend it."

That statement seemed to rouse the king. He waved off the guards and Genela, his face now angry. "They have my daughter, Brother Jonas, and I will do what I must to rescue her." He stated, tone sharp. "But I will not be the one to violate the Agreement."

"I have no wish to challenge you, Your Majesty, but I cannot allow an innocent life to be thrown away to satisfy our enemies." Jonas said more softly, sympathy in his voice. "I know that you are heartbroken, but please do not do anything rash."

"What do you suggest I do?" The king demanded, rising from his throne and coming down to stand in front of Jonas.

"If you are willing, we should send a party in force to win her back." Jonas said. "I will accompany them myself, along with other clerics, to battle the demons and try to free the princess. It is better to fall fighting them than to acquiesce to their demands."

The king smiled grimly. "Then we are of the same mind. I have already ordered two hundred soldiers to be ready at first light to ride to the Forest where she was taken. You and as many clerics as you think appropriate will be a welcome addition."

"Also, a messenger will be sent to mobilize all of our southern garrisons. Once they are ready, I plan to sweep the entire Forest to drive out the demons and their followers. I will burn it to the ground if that is what it takes." He finished, face set.

He looked at Alleon. "Sir Alleon, will you consent to lead this expedition?"

"I gladly accept, Your Majesty." Alleon replied with a bow.

"I will accompany this expedition as well, Your Majesty." Dominic said, loud enough to carry across the hall. "I will be Jonas' sword, keeping him safe so he can defeat the demons."

"Your presence will lend courage to the men, Dominic." The king replied, seeming taken aback by the offer. "Thank you."

"I will go as well." Marcus said loudly, defiantly. "I should have gone with her in the first place. I will not be left behind again, even if I have to go alone."

The king stared at Marcus, weighing his demand, then nodded.

"I will go to, Your Majesty." Jake said. He felt the eyes of the court turn towards him, as well as the king's. "I care for the princess and do not want to see her hurt because of me."

"But for you to go would mean that the demons could succeed in getting what they want, if you are taken." The king replied, voice neutral.

"They will not take me." Jake said resolutely. He embraced his magic, brilliant blue light shining forth, reflecting off the walls. He heard the gasps around the hall.

The king nodded, hope rising in his eyes.


Jake took Norlan back home after they finished at the palace while Jonas and Dominic left to make plans. After they told Madalin that Jake was leaving again and why, she went in and made him several pouches of food to take with him. Jake went to his room and tried to sleep, but it did not come, images of Keria in the hands of the demons haunting him.

Dominic rode up in the early morning hours to retrieve Jake. Jake had his bags ready to go and, after a tearful goodbye with Norlan and Madalin, mounted up. They made their way quietly in the dark, riding to join the rest of the expedition.

It was probably an hour

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