A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,151

answer that, Brother Jonas." Alleon said. "All I know is that a rider came up from the south about an hour ago. Shortly thereafter, I was ordered to find Dominic."

"Do your orders say anything about me?" Jonas asked.

"More Guards were sent to the Temple." Alleon replied. "I assume that their orders were the same as mine."

"If we must do this, let's get it finished." Dominic said, shaking his head. "I take it that we are not under arrest, Alleon?"

"I was given no such order, Dominic." Alleon said. "Only that I was to make you and Jake come to the palace immediately, even if I had to use force." He looked decidedly uncomfortable with that.

"That will not be necessary, Sir Alleon." Jonas said smoothly. "We will come right now."

"Should I come?" Norlan asked. "I am as responsible for Jake as the others."

"My orders did not say one way or another, Mastersmith." Alleon replied. "Come if you like."

The four men went over to Shadow and Dontas. Norlan climbed up behind Jake while Dominic took Jonas on Shadow. They came back over to Alleon, who had the Royal Guards form up around them and started off towards the palace.

Dominic rode next to Alleon. "How was the west, Alleon?" He asked quietly. "When did you return?"

"It was quiet, actually. I saw more flies than anything else." Alleon replied, some good humor returning, relieved that they were moving. "I arrived back around two weeks ago. I was actually called back to court around three weeks ago, but I was delayed a few days in leaving. I was told to leave my men behind, so I had to make sure everything was in order."

"Why were you ordered back?" Dominic asked, a frown on his face.

"I was told when I arrived that I was supposed to have commanded the princess' security detail, but I missed the departure." Alleon said. "Apparently, they got Armartas to leave the stables and do it instead."

"Then why send for you in the first place?" Dominic mused. "There are others here, besides Armartas, who could have done it."

"You know how court works." Alleon said, softly laughing. "I was in the west, so I could not argue against it."

They arrived at the palace to find it a hub of activity. Soldiers were going to and fro, all looking serious. They dismounted and went inside, Dominic walking with Alleon, the others right behind them. They arrived at the Great Hall doors and were shown in immediately.

The king was sitting on his throne, looking pale and haunted, Lord Genela standing next to him. The buzz in the room faded as they approached the throne. As they approached, Jake saw Marcus standing near the dais, his face a mask of anger. He stared at Jake as he got closer, his expression not changing. Jake started to get a bad feeling about this.

They halted before the king and made their bows. Alleon stepped forward and said. "As I was commanded, Your Majesty, I have brought Dominic and the boy Jake. Brother Jonas and Mastersmith Norlan also have come as guardians of Jake."

"What is this about?" Dominic demanded, voice hard.

"Peace, Dominic." Genela replied, raising his hands, glancing at the king. "We have received disturbing news. On her return trip from the south, the princess was captured by demons and her escort destroyed. The lone survivor was released to tell us their demands."

Jake suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Keria kidnapped and in the hands of the demons. Captain Armartas, whom Jake liked, dead.

Genela pointed at Jake. "Our enemies have demanded that we turn over this boy. If we do, the princess will be released unharmed. If not, then they will send her back in pieces."

Jake stood there, stunned. He now understood why Marcus was upset; this was his fault. He made to say he would accept when Dominic spoke.

"Since when do we do what our enemies demand?" He said loudly, voice tinged with anger. "I will not allow the boy to be made a sacrifice, no matter who it would save."

"That choice is not yours to make, Dominic." Genela said sharply. "The king will decide." He motioned to the guards, who started to come towards them. "Until that time, we will keep the boy here at the palace."

Dominic stepped away from the group and drew his sword, the blade catching the light, the guards hesitating when they saw that. "I am the boy's champion, Genela." He said loudly, so all could hear. "I will not permit you to take

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