A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,150

day. She takes the dog with her when she leaves the house, but her instructors and her friend's family are very understanding."

They sat there talking, Jake telling her all that had happened to him since he left. They were discussing his return trip when Norlan and Dominic came in the door, Norlan carrying something wrapped in a blanket. Jake stood up to greet Norlan and was pulled into a hug.

"It is good to see you whole and healthy, Jake." Norlan said when he released him. He set his bundle on the table, unrolling the blanket. Jake saw that there were two sets of sheathed swords and daggers, each attached to the black leather belt wrapped around it. Norlan picked up one of the sets and turned to Dominic.

"Apparently, this Tomaris sent Jonas a recipe for an alloy that he claims is stronger than steel, even though it is much lighter. It looks like Jake has armor made of it." Norlan said, nodding towards Jake. "Jonas passed it along to me. It took some time to get the ingredients and we only had enough to make these swords and daggers, but it was marvelous to work with. This is Helman's master piece." He held it out to Dominic. "I give this to you in thanks for keeping Jake safe."

Dominic took it and drew the sword. The double-edge blade was a little longer that Dominic's current blade, but it was bright, similar to Jake's armor. Dominic balanced it on his fingers, then swung it a few times, apparently liking what he felt. He put it back into its scabbard, then gave Norlan a courtly bow. "It is a princely gift, Mastersmith. I will use it with pride."

Norlan nodded, then turned to Jake. He picked up the other set and held it out. "This one is for you, Jake, for rescuing Cherise. I made the sword and dagger myself."

Jake took it, noting its lightness. He removed his old swordbelt and belted on the new one. He partially drew the sword, the blade sharp and bright, the hilt feeling secure in his hand. He resheathed it and turned to Norlan. "Thank you, Norlan. I'm not a swordsman like Dominic, but will try to make you proud."

Norlan, smiling, clapped him on the shoulder. "You already have, Jake."

Madalin cleared away the blanket and had them sit down. She brought out some wine and cups to celebrate their return. They were quietly catching up when there was a knock on the door. Norlan went over to open it and Jonas came in, followed by Hailyn.

Dominic rose and went to greet Jonas, exchanging a quick embrace. Jonas also embraced Jake, a warm smile on his face.

"It is good to see you again, Jake." Jonas said, looking closely at him. "You seem healthy and Tomaris wrote that you have gained good control over your power."

"I hope so, Jonas." Jake replied. "It's nice to see you again, as well."

Jonas, smiling, went over to the table to greet Madalin, Dominic and Norlan following. Hailyn had stopped when they entered, but when Jake smiled at her, she came over to him and threw her arms around his neck, embracing him tightly. He returned the embrace, then gently broke it, conscious of the rest watching them. Hailyn smiled back, then flushed when she saw Jonas watching with a knowing look on his face. They went over to the table, joining the rest. Hailyn helped Madalin prepare the food while Dominic and Jake told Jonas and Norlan about their time at Tomaris' Keep.

After Jake helped Madalin with the dishes, they decided to head outside to enjoy the night air. As they were sitting and talking quietly on the patio, they heard the sound of a large number of horses riding up. Dominic was on his feet in a flash, striding towards the side gate, the rest of them right behind. Jake saw that there were at least twenty Royal Guards sitting on horseback. Jake was surprised to see Sir Alleon enter through the gate. He came up to Dominic, giving him a salute, his face carrying none of the good humor that Jake recalled from the encounter on the road.

"Dominic, I have orders to bring you and your charge to the palace." Alleon said unhappily. "You must come with me now."

While Dominic simply stared at Alleon, not saying anything, Jonas interjected. "What is this about, Sir Alleon? I was at the palace this afternoon and no mention of this was brought to me."

"I cannot

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