A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,149

lord of this place. You are my guest and to be treated properly until I have the boy. I plan on giving you to him as an incentive to obey me, so I want you unharmed…" it chuckled, an ugly sound "…and unspoiled."

Creatos reached over to touch her face, caressing it. Keria fought down the urge to scream. "Lovely, indeed. If he is stupid enough to refuse, I may keep you for myself after I kill him." The demon said with a leer.

Keria was terrified, but forced herself to ask. "What boy is that?"

Creatos laughed, the sound chilling Keria's soul. "The boy from the other world, of course, this Jake Thomas."

It was late afternoon when Jake and Dominic rode up to the North Gate. They had stayed on the main roads, Dominic deciding speed was better than stealth this time. They had made good time, with Jake appreciating sleeping in a bed at the inns and waystations rather than on the ground.

The guards saluted Dominic when he approached. Dominic returned the salute as he rode past, Jake right behind him. Dominic wanted to speak with Jonas first, before word of their return spread, so they headed directly to the Temple. They rode up to the side of the Temple and dismounted. Tying the horses off at the fence, they went through the gate and straight to Jonas' apartment.

Dominic knocked on the door, waiting a few moments, then knocked again. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned and went into the Temple. He went over to the first cleric he saw, a pretty woman in her early thirties. The woman gave a start at seeing him, then smiled warmly.

"Sister, where is Jonas?" Dominic asked politely.

"He has gone to the palace to meet with the king, Dominic. He will likely be there until this evening." She replied, voice kind. "You can wait for him in the library if you like."

Dominic mulled it over for a moment. "Thank you, Sister, but we will go to Mastersmith Norlan's home." He finally said. "Would you please inform Jonas that we are back when he returns?"

"Of course, Dominic." She said, giving him a slight bow.

"Is Hailyn here?" Jake asked, looking around.

"She is currently busy in the healing clinic." The cleric said, smiling at Jake's question. "I will let her know you have returned when she is done with her duties."

"Let's go, boy." Dominic said, gesturing towards the door. "I'm sure that Madalin will take it out of my hide if I do not bring you to her right away, to show her that you are still in one piece."

They went out, mounted up and rode over to Norlan's. Jake noticed the surprised looks and whispers as they rode through the city. Remembering that some blamed him for the attack on the city, he hoped those stares and whispers were only for Dominic's return.

After they tied off the horses, they headed to the front door and Dominic knocked on it. After a few moments, Madalin opened the door. Her eyes widened as she took in the two of them standing there, clearly stunned to see them, then without a word, came over to Jake and pulled him into a tight hug.

Jake returned the embrace, surprised to see tears in her eyes when she let him go, a wide smile on her face. She went over to hug Dominic as well, thanking him for returning Jake safely.

"Come inside, both of you." She said, wiping away her tears. "Are you hungry? I can make you something."

"We had some rations on the road, Madalin." Dominic said. "There is no need to make anything special." He glanced around. "Is Norlan at the smithy?"

"Yes." She replied. "I can go get him."

"I can get him faster on Shadow." Dominic said, turning back to the horses. "Spend some time catching up with the boy."

Madalin led Jake into the kitchen and sat him down at the table. Before he knew it, she had a plate of fruit and some sweets in front of him. As he gratefully ate, he wondered where Cherise was and asked.

"She is at a friend's house tonight." Madalin said, a smile on her face as she put her hand on Jake's. "She started her apprenticeship a couple of weeks after you left. She has become close to one of the other girls there. I'm so happy she has found a friend her age."

Her smile faded and she sighed, then continued. "She still has nightmares about the attack, but gets a little better each

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