A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,153

before dawn when Jake followed Dominic into the West Gate's courtyard. The courtyard was packed with soldiers and a smaller number of clerics on horseback, along with several large wagons packed with supplies. Dominic led them over to a smaller wagon sitting off to the side. The wagon had stacks of blankets and what looked like bandages loaded in the back, along with various jars. Jake was surprised to see Jonas sitting on the bench, his staff resting against his shoulder. He was even more shocked to see Hailyn sitting next to Jonas.

"Good morning." Jonas said in greeting. He saw Jake's gaze. "Hailyn is quite a skilled healer, which may be needed. Also, besides being strong in her power, she is ready to take her final tests as an apprentice. This will give her a taste of what the clerics in the army face." He smiled fondly at her. "Under my watchful eye, of course."

Alleon, his armor gleaming in the torchlight, rode over and spoke quietly with Dominic. After a few minutes of conversation, Alleon rode to the gates, calling the soldiers to attention. The courtyard noise faded as the soldiers formed up and waited for orders.

"We ride after our captured princess." Alleon said loudly as his stood in his stirrups. "We will pursue our enemies to the ends of the world, if needed. When we find them, we will rescue her and avenge our fallen comrades. We leave now and will not return until we have success. Be prepared for long days in the saddle, as we need to move with all possible speed."

With that, he signaled to the gate guards, who went into the gate room. Within a few seconds, the sound of the large outer gates opening echoed across the courtyard.

Alleon wheeled his horse and headed out the tunnel, his standard bearer next to him, the rest of the soldiers following in ordered units. The wagons went next, with Jake and his friends bringing up the rear. They passed out of the city and headed west on the Royal Highway.

Once on the road, Alleon redeployed his soldiers. He sent outriders on either side of the column and scouts ahead. Some of the soldiers fell back to form a rear guard while others rode next to the wagons as security. Jake was a little surprised at the pace, a little faster than he expected, given the wagons.

They rode for the rest of the day, finally pulling a short distance off the highway as the sun went down. Jake had thought that they would have turned off the highway near the waystation he remembered, to head south, but Dominic explained that it would actually be faster to take the main southern road. It was wider and in better shape.

Over the next couple of days, Jake spent most of his time riding next to Jonas' wagon, talking with Hailyn. At times, she would join him on Dontas, so they could speak more privately. He was glad to have her back, enjoying her presence and realizing he had missed having a friend his age to talk to.

Jake was not sure what to think about Marcus. He rode in silence for the most part, looking pensive. However, when they stopped the second night, he approached Jake after dinner, Dominic sitting nearby, observing.

"I want you to know that you are not to blame for this. It is our enemies who caused this to happen." Marcus said directly. "We are now comrades-in-arms, for better or worse. In this quest, we may need to defend each other. Until we recover Keria, I would put aside our differences." He held out his hand.

Jake rose and shook his hand, nodding. "Until Keria is safe."

They reached the site of the attack late in the afternoon of the third day. There were some soldiers from the closest garrison already there, recovering weapons and other equipment. Alleon went to speak with their commander. He came back to report that the messenger allowed to escape had ridden to the garrison after the attack. Once the commander had enough forces, he had marched them here. They did not have sufficient men to pursue the half-men, but had buried the dead and guarded the site.

They made camp nearby, mobilizing early the next morning. The scouts found the tracks of the princess' carriage, along with the tracks of a large body of horses. They followed it for a couple of hours until it reached a wide forest road that ran north-south. The tracks headed

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