A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,124

don't know how many spies are still here, so by departing quickly, we can get ahead of them. With you gone, it is unlikely that they will attempt another attack on the city."

"What about Norlan, Madalin and Cherise?" Jake asked unhappily. "Do they know?"

"I just spoke with Norlan." Dominic replied. "He agrees, though he is not happy about you leaving. He will tell Madalin and the girl."

Dominic stood up. "Make sure the waterskin is full and pack only what you need. We will be traveling light. It is only about a four-day ride to the Keep. We can get additional supplies on the road." He said as he headed back outside. "I will bring Dontas from the stable. Remember, be ready by first light."

Jake awoke early, reluctance and excitement warring within him. He hated that he was leaving behind his chance at Keria, as well saying goodbye to his friends, but at the same time, was eager to see more of the world and meet this Tomaris, whom Jonas held in such high regard. Perhaps, since his letter, he had found a way to send Jake home, or at least explain why he was here.

He got dressed and packed his other boots and some extra clothes in his saddlebags. He shoved his phone in as well. There was a possibility that he may not return, so he would not leave it behind. Once he was packed, he straightened the room up, then put on his armor and sword. Slinging the saddle bags over his shoulder, he went outside, the floral smell of the flowers filling his nostrils as he took a deep breath in the cool early morning air.

He went over to the water pump and filled his waterskin, then headed over to the front yard to wait for Dominic. He sat down on a bench, looking up at the stars shining overhead, as the night sky lightened in the east. He was sitting there, lost in thought, when the front door opened and Norlan stepped out.

"Good morning." Norlan greeted Jake. He came over and sat down next to him. "Do you have everything you need?"

"I believe so, Norlan." Jake replied.

"Good." Norlan said, his voice sad.

As they sat there in silence, Jake watching the street, Jonas and Hailyn came walking up and entered the yard. They came over to Jake and Norlan.

"Good morning." Jonas said, nodding to Jake and Norlan. "Are you ready to go, Jake?"

"I am, Jonas." Jake replied.

"If I thought that I could help you, I would not send you away." Jonas said. "I truly believe that Tomaris is your best option to learn about this power."

"I know that, Jonas." Jake said. "You have been great to me." He impulsively gave Jonas a hug. Jonas, surprised, returned the embrace for a moment. Jake stepped away, a little embarrassed by the display. With a kindly pat on Jake's shoulder, Jonas sat down next to Norlan and started speaking to him quietly.

Hailyn came over to Jake, motioning him to follow. She took him into the yard, giving them a little space. She reached over and took his hand.

"I will miss you, Jake." She said softly. "You must write when you can to let me know how you are doing."

"I'll miss you too, Hailyn." Jake said, taken aback by the tears in her eyes. "You have been a great friend. I will write, if I can."

The sound of approaching horses caused Jake to look towards the front gate. He saw Dominic riding out of the night, Dontas behind him, saddled and ready. Dominic stopped and waited, staying on his horse as Jonas and Norlan walked over to him.

With a low cry, Hailyn threw her arms around Jake's neck and hugged him tight, taking him by surprise. She whispered in his ear "Come back to me when you can." and kissed him on the cheek. She broke the embrace and wiped her tears away, moving back towards the front gate.

Jake stood there of a moment, unsure of what to say or do, when Dominic called over. "Let's go, boy." Jake headed back over to the bench to grab his bags and water. As he reached the porch, the front door opened as Madalin came out, followed by Cherise. Madalin hugged Jake tightly, followed by Cherise, both with tears in their eyes. Jake felt himself getting a bit choked up, so he went over to Dontas and slung his bags and waterskin. Norlan gave him a quick hug, then went over to his

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