A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,125

family while Jake pulled himself into the saddle.

Madalin and Cherise were holding each other, gently crying, with Norlan standing behind them, a hand on their shoulders. Hailyn was standing next to Jonas, wiping tears as well.

Madalin looked over to Dominic. "Keep him safe, Dominic. Bring him back to us." She said, voice cracking slightly.

"I will do everything in my power to make that happen, Madalin." Dominic replied, his voice strangely gentle.

"I don't know why we are getting so emotional about this." Jonas said, voice kind. "This is simply a good-bye, not farewell." He lifted his staff, his form suddenly glowing with power and said. "Go with the blessings of the One. May He protect and shelter you on your journey."

Dominic nodded and started Shadow moving. With a final wave to everyone, Jake turned Dontas and followed him.

Dominic and Jake rode slowly toward the North Gate, passing groups of soldiers and clerics deployed throughout the city. The shops and other businesses were beginning to stir, the people on the streets still wary. Jake could not blame them after what happened. The sun was still not quite up when they reached the Gate, the courtyard half-filled with merchants and others waiting to leave the city.

As the sun rose above the horizon, the Gate opened and the mass of people made their way through. Dominic and Jake passed slowly through the Gate and over the North Bridge that spanned the Blue River. Once across, Dominic led Jake off the road into the open grassland and then galloped past the main body of people clogging the road. When they had left the mass of people behind, they came back onto the road and slowed their pace.

"We will make our way to the North Reach waystation." Dominic said as they rode. "We should arrive just before dark and will stay there tonight. After that, we will leave the road and travel cross-country."

The seemingly endless open grasslands of the valley, a pale green carpet interrupted by the occasional stand of trees, rolled by as they headed north. The road paralleled the Blue River for the first few hours, then separated as the River's course took a more northwesterly direction. They kept a moderate pace to conserve the horses.

They passed by other travelers heading towards the city, merchants with large wagons, carriages carrying passengers, as well as individuals on foot and horse. A patrol of soldiers came by, the officer saluting Dominic once he recognized who it was. Many of the other travelers recognized Dominic as they passed as well, giving him respectful waves and nods.

They ate during short breaks to water and rest the horses. The sun was bright and warm, with only a few high clouds in the sky. Without any shade, Jake spent most of the day sweating under his armor, trying to distract himself with the memory of Keria's kiss. By the time the sun dipped low in the horizon and the waystation appeared, he had lost his enthusiasm for this trip.

Dominic led them over to a small stable near the main complex. He spoke with the stable master and some coins changed hands. After they had removed their saddles and gear, a couple of grooms came out to lead the horses in.

"They will make sure that the horses are fed and watered." Dominic said as he headed for the waystation. They entered the main hall, a large open dining area with a high wooden ceiling with tables set up and servers moving about. It was lighted by a large stone fireplace in the wall and several sets of chandeliers with dozens of candles in each. The hall appeared to be about half full. Jake could see a set of stairs at the back wall leading to a couple of landings that surrounded the hall, with a line of doors along each.

Dominic went over to a man sitting behind a desk near the main doors. He spoke with him briefly and came back with a set of keys. The keys were to a room on the second landing. Inside, there were two small beds and just enough room to stack the saddles and gear. Once they had offloaded the equipment, Dominic had them go back down to the hall and order dinner. He chose a table near the center of the room.

"Aren't we being a bit obvious?" Jake asked, noticing several of the other guests looking towards them.

"We want to be seen." Dominic said quietly, glancing about. "Once our enemies know we are

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