A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,123

from Marcus, ever. He looked over at Norlan, who chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. Clapping him on the shoulder, Norlan led him back over to the stairs to wait.

After about fifteen minutes, the door opened and Keria came back out, followed by Madalin, holding Cherise's hand. Jake and Norlan stood as Keria came down, Madalin and Cherise standing on the top step. Keria came up to Jake as Norlan went to stand with his family.

"Please show me your room, Jake. I would like to see where you live." She said, a smile playing on her lips, staring into his eyes. "We can talk after that."

Jake, a foolish smile on his face, led her over to his room, making his way through the flowers. He held the curtain back as Keria went inside, then followed her in.

As soon as he entered, Keria came up to him. "I think you owe me something from your last visit, Jake." She purred, her perfume enticing, those beautiful eyes gleaming. She reached up and pulled Jake's head down and kissed him on the lips. Jake was lost in that kiss, the king's admonishment forgotten. When he slipped his arms around her back and pulled her close, she broke the kiss and pushed him gently back, giggling.

"I don't think we want to go any further with twenty of my father's Guards just outside. They may become suspicious if I come out rumpled." She said lightly, taking his hand. She looked at him, eyes bright. "I know what my father told you, Jake. He can be unreasonable, but with your tale on the people's lips, he may reconsider. Clearly, a hero should make a suitable suitor."

"That would be nice, Keria." Jake said, unable to stop grinning. He leaned in to kiss her again when a knock came at the door.

"We need to go, Your Highness." A man's voice said.

Keria motioned for Jake to pull the curtain back. As Jake complied and Keria stepped out, she said. "Of course, Costuas. Thank you for the tour, Jake, and again, you have the thanks of Sanduas for your bravery."

"It was my pleasure, Princess." Jake said, bowing and taking her hand and kissing it. She gave him a wink that only Jake could see, then turned around and went out the gate, Marcus following and looking decidedly unhappy.

Jake was in a cloud for the rest of the day, reliving that kiss and the feel of her next to him. He came in for dinner when called, not even tasting his food as Madalin looked over at him, a knowing smile on her face.

As the sun was setting, Jake was lying on his bed, letting his dinner settle, his thoughts on Keria, when the door curtain whipped back and Dominic strode into his room. Dominic arched an eyebrow at seeing Jake lying about, then tossed him a set of saddlebags and an empty waterskin. Jake struggled to catch the bags as he sat up.

"Make some space." Dominic said, as he came over and sat on the bed. He looked at Jake, those blue eyes bright. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine, Dominic." Jake replied. He looked closely at Dominic. "How are you?"

"Don't worry about me." Dominic said, waving off the concern. His voice lowered. "We are leaving at first light."

"Leaving?!" Jake exclaimed, the news shattering his thoughts of the princess.

"Keep your voice low, boy." Dominic growled. "Do you hear me shouting?" Without waiting for Jake to respond, he continued. "Jonas and I have talked. He does not think that he can help you with this power you demonstrated. He is sending us to Tomaris' Keep. He believes that if anyone can help you, it is Tomaris. We will be leaving out the North Gate as soon as it opens."

"Why so soon?" Jake asked quietly, thinking on how he could see Keria again.

"The truth is that while many see you as the hero who rescued a young girl from the half-men, others, including some at the palace, are grumbling that you are the reason that the demons attacked in the first place." Dominic replied. "To head off any difficulties, Jonas and I believe that it will be best if you leave the city for a while. We will leave quickly and quietly to allow the situation to settle down."

He paused, then continued. "Also, some of the attackers were able to escape. We want to have you gone before they can regroup." He shook his head, face grim. "Obviously, they infiltrated the city. We

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