A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,107

undefended!" Jeffreys said sharply, shocked by the order.

"I understand, Sergeant; I made the same argument, but those are the orders I was given." Stradford said. "I will stay here to seal the gate, if necessary. Don't look so worried, Sergeant. The outer gate is locked and the archers on the wall will buy us some time if something were to happen. The current threat is at the East Gate."

"I don't like it, sir. Why can't the Royal Guards reinforce the guards at the East Gate?"

"You know how this works, Sergeant. Those on high give the orders without input from those of us who must implement it." Stradford moved and sat down at the desk. "Regardless of our feelings, you have your orders, Sergeant. Gather your men and move to the East Gate." He gave Jeffreys a salute.

Jeffreys returned the salute and strode out of the guard room. He did not like this at all, his gut telling him that something was wrong, but orders were orders. He called to his men to gather their weapons and form up. They looked at him, puzzled by the order, but soon were standing in ranks. He told them of their new orders and started them marching away from the gate.

Stradford waited until Sergeant Jeffreys' platoon disappeared into the city, then climbed the stairs to the top of the wall. He ordered archers to head down the wall to reinforce the North Gate, telling them to gather all of the archers as they went. It was stupid, he told them, but those were the orders he was given. It was probably just an exercise to test their response. He would keep watch here.

The archers left, not questioning the orders. Once he was sure they were out of sight, Stradford grabbed a torch burning nearby and headed to the edge of the wall. Sticking the torch through the archers gap, he waved it back and forth three times. He turned and replaced the torch, then went down the stairs to the gate tunnel. He walked to the outer gates and unlocked them, hands shaking. Wiping the sweat running down his face, he exited the tunnel and entered the guard room. He went to the large wheel that controlled the outer doors. Usually turned by two soldiers, it took him a couple of minutes as he strained and struggled, but he was finally able to open a gap in the outer gates. He hurried outside and waited at the end of the tunnel, as ordered.

Down in the tunnel, the Imps and their half-men flowed through the open gate and into the city. They stopped just inside the city wall, the demons looking around cautiously, assessing the situation. One of the Imps came over to Stradford.

"Well done, Captain." It said, voice cold and emotionless, black eyes reflecting the nearby torches. "You have proven to be a useful tool."

"Where is my family?!" Stradford demanded, hand grasping his sword, looking for them in the press of half-men.

"They are here." The Imp looked over at the half-men and called out. "Bring them."

There was movement in the crowd and Stradford caught sight of his wife and daughter. "You said they would be returned to me unharmed!" He screamed, yanking at his sword.

"Did I?" The Imp laughed, harsh and cruel, sharp teeth gleaming. "And you believed me?" Quick as lightning, its arm lashed out, claws slashing across Stradford's throat. Stradford collapsed to the ground, his last sight that of his wife and daughter's abused and dead bodies being dumped next to him.

The demon known as Rigil turned back to his brothers and quickly determined their course of action. The eight demons had two hundred and fifty of their followers with them. One of his brothers led two ten-man teams away to go down the side streets to make their way as quickly and quietly as possible and capture the boy unharmed. Another brother took fifty men along the wall to capture the South Gate to open another avenue of retreat.

He and his other brothers would take the rest up the main street to set up a blocking force to engage their most serious threat: the clerics. By having the humans focus their attention on that force, his brother should be able to get out with the boy before they closed their avenues of retreat.

After disabling the gate mechanisms to prevent the gates from being closed, Rigil and his brothers took their force up the main street. As they moved, they released the

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