A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,106

it was safe.

Madalin was beside herself when Norlan and Jake came back to the house, Jake's clothes covered in blood. It took Norlan and Jake both to settle her down. She was not happy that Jake would still continue his routine, but after Norlan spoke with her privately, she at least agreed to it.

Norlan went to the shed and removed a large wooden maul, leaving it near the front door. When Jake asked about it, Norlan said. "I don't know swords or axes, but I have been swinging a hammer most of my life."

Jake had gone to clean up, taking off his bloody clothes, when he removed his phone. He realized that it was on, so he went to shut it down. As the screen flashed on, he saw the date. He was startled when he saw that it was his eighteenth birthday in a couple of days. He had lost track of the time he had been here.

When he mentioned his birthday in passing the next day, Madalin insisted they celebrate it. She went out into the rain to gather supplies and prepared a fine meal for his birthday, inviting Jake's friends over. Dominic, Jonas and Hailyn were there; Helman, Almos and Dern came as well. They all gave him small gifts, with Hailyn promising to take him to listen to a singer the next evening at a theater near the North Gate.

Dominic decided to release him from training the next day as a present. "I want to go scout out some reports anyway." Dominic had said with a smile.

"Are you excited to hear some music, Jake?" Hailyn asked, interrupting his thoughts, bringing him back to the present.

"Yeah. It should be fun." Jake said, looking up and hoping she was right about the rain.

As his men were lighting torches next to the inside gate, Sergeant Jeffreys checked the lock on the West Gate after the two large outer doors banged shut, sealing off the city for the night. Satisfied, he made his way back down the tunnel to the small guard room that was built into the city wall next to the gates. As he exited the tunnel, he could hear the sounds of city nightlife developing across open courtyard. He went into the guard room and headed for the duty officer desk to fill in the log. Out of habit, he checked the wheels that opened and closed the gates as he went by. They seemed to be in good condition and set in the locked position.

As he completed his entries, he was grateful that this would be his last night shift. His commanders had just approved his request to move to the day shift, starting after a week of leave to adjust his sleep patterns. He was not happy that he would have leave his men to go over to the East Gate, but his wife was overjoyed with the idea of him being home every night.

It had been hard on the marriage since he was promoted and had to work nights. His wife worked during the day as a seamstress. They only saw each other for a couple of hours each day, sharing the morning meal before she left for her work. The strain had been growing for months now, so he hoped this transfer would allow them to recapture the joy they once had.

He was lost in his thoughts when the door opened and Captain Stradford stepped into the guard room. It took Jeffreys a moment to realize that he was there, then stood quickly and came to attention, saluting.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was distracted and did not hear you come in." Jeffreys said.

"At ease, Sergeant." Stradford said, returning the salute. "There is nothing to apologize for. I'm sure you were just thinking happy thoughts about this being your last night here."

"I was at that, sir." Jeffreys replied.

"Is your wife happy with the new assignment?" Stradford asked.

"She is, sir. It has been a rough last several months with me working nights." Jeffreys said, smiling.

"I am glad to hear that, Sergeant. I hate to lose you, but I know the importance of family." Stradford said, face suddenly drawn.

"Can I help you with something, sir?" Jeffreys asked gently, noticing the look.

"I need you to gather your men and head to the East Gate." Stradford said, giving himself a little shake. "There have been reports of the movement of an unknown force along the river and we are going to reinforce that gate."

"Sir, that would leave this gate

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