A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,105

him that he was sending him into hiding, then watched as Ranech cut his throat.

Martis still could not believe the idiot had come back here. If he had simply gone to ground, sending Martis a message, he might still be alive. Nothes had known that Martis did not want anything to connect him to the boy.

Martis threw the water on remaining blood still on the ground, making sure that it carried to the drain. Ranech finished securing the wagon, then climbed on, setting the wagon into motion. Martis wiped his brow as he watched Ranech depart. Ranech did have his uses; he would dispose of the body far from the city.

Martis made sure all of the blood was gone, then went to sit in the shade of the doorway. He found himself nodding off as he leaned back in the chair, visions of riches filling his mind. Soon, he was snoring away.

He came awake as the sound of hooves ringing on the stones got louder. The light was low, so he estimated it was late afternoon, near sunset. He stuck his head out to see Frader coming up the alley to where Martis was sitting.

"Well?" Martis asked.

"They have the soldier's family." Frader replied. He pulled a message from his belt. "I was told to give you this." He said as he handed it to Martis.

While Martis opened the message, Frader asked. "Where are Nothes and Ranech?"

While his fingers continued to work, Martis looked over at Frader and met his eyes. Nothing was spoken, but Frader understood. "I see" was all he said as he turned back to his horse.

Martis looked down at the message. He felt a chill surge through his body as he read it. He called to Frader, telling him to gather their supplies and find him a horse. They were leaving now, before the gates closed; they would find Ranech outside the city. As Frader hurried to comply, Martis looked at the message again.

Scrawled in an unusual angular script was a single sentence. "We are coming for the boy."


Three days later, Jake was riding towards the North Gate, with Hailyn sitting behind him. He was glad that the rain had finally stopped. The clouds were still thick overhead, but Hailyn assured him that the rain was over. It had been a warm summer rain, but it was rain nonetheless, which meant Jake had to work extra hard to keep his equipment clean and presentable. It had begun the day after he was attacked.

As they made their way up the street, Jake thought back to the day of his attack. After Norlan arrived at the Temple, concern etching his face, he and his protectors had met to discuss what happened. They had spoken with the watch commander, who arrived shortly after they gathered. The soldiers had traced the blood trail to a sewer opening, but were unable to track it past that. The commander believed that the attacker was a simple footpad, out to rob someone. Jake had looked like a minor noble in his clothes, so maybe the man saw an easy mark. Also, the commander noted, he was using a club; most robberies recently were by men with clubs. Likely, that meant that he was not looking to kill Jake; otherwise, it would have been knives or swords. The commander promised to have his men watch for any injured men in the usual seedy places. Jake could tell that Dominic was not satisfied with that, but he thanked the commander anyway and sent him on his way.

Jonas, Dominic and Norlan debated for some time about what they should do. In the end, they agreed that Jake would continue his routine, but he should wear his armor and sword constantly from now on. To be on the safe side, Norlan would walk with Jake to his training and Dominic would make sure he made it home. He would not move about the city alone until they found out the reason for the attack.

Dominic had initially resisted that idea, stating that Jake was almost a grown man and, staying in public places with a heightened awareness of his surroundings, should be able to avoid trouble or defend himself. Jonas had rejected that suggestion, arguing that Jake could be deceived into a trap or it could be more than one attacker that he would face. Norlan was sure that Madalin would accept nothing less than someone being with Jake while he traveled around the city until they knew

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